Anyone on the 360 wana run some TDM matches , I wana blast out the rest of my games
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Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here
Anyone on the 360 wana run some TDM matches , I wana blast out the rest of my games
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Here's to a long life and a merry one.
A pretty girl and an honest one.
A cold pint and another one!
OnixEwok (March 5th, 2015)
Dude after you left took a few more games but the Soul i know was out in full force.. it wasnt until then that i realized how much he influenced my style of play. He was paying attention to where the randoms where stopping and then flanking, evicting and assuming the deed on their campground, and very often since i have a similar game style without saying much would be in the same area assuming directions and mowing down anyone in sight.
Was great to get back in it with one of my original mentors in this clan, if RE4PER could have been online too man would it have been just like old times.... but in exo suits of
I didn't want to discuss this but there must be first a golf Comapny forum. It looks like the PS3 and the PS4 is an underdog of this clan. Thats is not so with the xbox360 or the xbox1 it has enough members. also had DemikDaGawd posted a thread about this problem, that there wasn't and Golf Company forum. A few Months ago. CHEECH would go afther is, he said. \
Alright Everyone please welcome
SoSo Advanced
he is a family man from new jersey, like to play core mode.... lets get him going!!
On a side note i still only have 6 responses to my POP Quiz....... you guys have just over 24 hours left before i tabulate the results.
this goes to EVERYONE in Alpha company active roster and recruit at this point i am starting to see this quiz as a direct reflection to your commitment to this clan.
Then perhaps you can create your thread within the general COD Advanced Warfare sub Forums... my point was that posting it here may not be noticed by those who need to help you as this thread was started to assist Alpha Recruits in connecting with full members since until they receive their DOGG ribbon have no access to the Alpha Forums.
Dude all I can say is it felt good to be locking shit down with my old mentor again. Soul influenced my game a lot and is one of the reasons I'm in CAG right now. It just reminded me of us three locking down Bo2 when we were recruits so it was nice to see our rhythm was still in tact
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OnixEwok (March 5th, 2015)
OnixEwok (March 5th, 2015)
SoulSeeker1972 (March 5th, 2015)
Seems like everybody that I use to play with is always on Netflix, offline, or on Xbox One nowadays.. :/
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