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Discuss the Advance Warfare Regiment of CAG's Call Of Duty Brigade here
He meant he might be on tonight quack so you haven't missed him yet!!!
last night EXE and I kicked ass in the Havoc TDM's, he managed to get a grenadier game in and i was sooo fucking close like every match at getting some Sharpshooters in...
DizzleDaddy (March 4th, 2015),EXEprog527 (March 4th, 2015)
CAG CheechDogg (March 4th, 2015),DizzleDaddy (March 4th, 2015),EXEprog527 (March 4th, 2015),OnixEwok (March 4th, 2015),PestiferousJoe (March 4th, 2015)
OnixEwok (March 4th, 2015)
OnixEwok (March 5th, 2015)
OnixEwok (March 5th, 2015)
Go to the golf forums, start a thread and communicate your challenges to you teammates,let them know what times you are online and ask who can be on when you are. If you still can't connect with anyone send a message on psn to your CoC and figure out how you can get started on your marksman.
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