I love to see people get into "discussion", "dialogue" especially when we are able to discuss shit without being insulted ... What I hate seeing is people getting insulted and then getting personal with each other and even more deliberately posting shit to get under people's skin just to piss them off ....
We can discuss what ever topic in these forums...even "Religion" but like I have made it perfectly clear in our TOS, these are not censored forums and if I want to say "Fuck the Pope" and then talk shit about Catholics or Mormons, Muslims or Jews, I better have a damn good argument for what ever I am talking shit about without direct insults to anyone ....
I have the right to say wtf I want ... "freedom of speech" but we still need to respect each other and as adults I know that "all of us" here have respect towards our Dogg Brothers regardless of our differences in opinion, religion, region or ethnic background ...