Ok, hello guys.
For those of you who do not know me, maybe you have joined after i left. My name is SprayAim and i play on the XBL side of things. primarily the COD franchise
For those of you who have been around a little longer but do not recognise my GT. My old GT are Just Unbalanced/ CAG Unbalanced
First off, i would just like to say that is is great to be back. Sometimes you do not know you have a good thing until you have lost it and returning to CAG has filled a huge void in my gaming life. The camaraderie and banter amongst the CAG Doggs is second to none, I have tremendous respect for all of you. old and new alike.
When i left, i did so for various reasons. none of these reasons were because i thought i was better than CAG or because i thought i could find better. The actual reason i left was because there were a few issues that i could not get along with - These reasons were always made know to CAG Cheechdogg.
i was worried at the time that addressing these issues to fellow CAG members and sticking around may have alienated me from the group therefore i decided to step out indefinitely. an open ended invite for my return was offered from the very first moment i announced my departure as Cheech wanted me to leave probably as much as i wanted it myself (not very much)
Throughout my time away i had remained in contact with Cheech and through Cheech and various other members i had learnt that there had been some changes to address the issues raised which was a great thing for CAG. it made me smile knowing despite the real life problems Cheech was facing, he still put CAG's well being first. He is the only Clan leader i have ever met that truly listens to his flock and takes advise/ suggestions without getting butthurt or making you feel like you are disrespecting his choices and decisions.
I lost contact with Cheech for a couple months at this point as i had my own matters to sort in my personal life, the main obstacle was planning, paying for and attending my wedding to my wonderful lady who i had been with for almost 10 years. this impacted on my game time greatly.
Once my real life was back to normal i continued to game alone for a time. something i found to be very lonely and tedious, it was at this point i joined another clan...... then another.... then another.... all of these clans had the same problem NO CHEECH
By this point Pride and principle that were stopping me from returning to CAG were thrown out of the window and i reached out to the man of the hour and had a nice little chat. we spoke of how things were going for the both of us, what had changed over the last few months and about my return home to CAG.
All of the reasons i initially left were no longer an issue so i took the invitation with 2 hands and here i am. Gratefully.
Upon returning i have agreed to start from the bottom again, rocking the cagr tag while i game to re-earn my medals and show my commitment to the "family"
I write this to you all not as excuses for what i have done but more so you can understand the whole story. Clear the air, so to speak and prevent any prejudices any of you may or may not have upon my being back here.
To summarize i am very happy to be back and thank you all for providing such a warm welcome. its for reasons like this that CAG will always be the best clan to be in.
P.S - Have some Bewbs