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Thread: CAG Top 10 Posters of the Month: December

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  1. #41
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I honest to god think the top poster or top 3 should just get a flashy title and maybe a medal of some sort which could stack? Get 1st or 3rd place 3 times then have 3 medals etc .... I think promotions of any kind should be earned properly by hard work

    Not to say that these medals or titles are meaningless.... In addition to bragging rights they could also help when a member us being considered for promotion

    That's just my 2 cents, like nut I can foresee (not to say we have any right now) undeserving people demanding promotions ahead of people that have actually worked for them

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    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  2. #42
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Me personally I like to elaborate in my posts which is why half the time it's normally 2-3 paragraphs long. You can certainly see that in my posts about the X1 Division in the Appropriate forums. Are forums important I believe so, Forums to me prevents meetings why because you can get the message across.

    In the 2 months I've ran MOTM We've only gotten a little under 30 votes ...

    In terms of Promotions and how it works with Chain of Command. I personally believe that "Post Counts" should very well be the last point, Time & Weapon Badges should be first. I'll tell you why, what's to say If I'm a recruit and I'll spend the next month posting "Hi welcome to" 500 times ? versus a guy who might have half the post counts but it's more valuable and he has his badges ...

    Don't get me wrong all 3 points are valid when promoting but I still think that above all those it's all about commitment and gaining the respect of your guys in battle. It's all about being a "Leader".

    My philosophy about things like this "Don't talk about it, be about it"

    Are you gonna tell your manager at the job "Hey man I want a promotion" or "Hmm I know what it takes to be promoted let me show them why"

    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
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  3. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    MERZiN8 (December 10th, 2014),pisspawz (December 10th, 2014),SprayAim (December 10th, 2014)

  4. #43
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    Technically you don't have to play to use the forum. If it drives some users to post ( and more posts means a better site ) then why not reward them.

    CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
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  5. #44
    CAG Stud
    SprayAim's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Randuken View Post
    Me personally I like to elaborate in my posts which is why half the time it's normally 2-3 paragraphs long. You can certainly see that in my posts about the X1 Division in the Appropriate forums. Are forums important I believe so, Forums to me prevents meetings why because you can get the message across.

    In the 2 months I've ran MOTM We've only gotten a little under 30 votes ...

    In terms of Promotions and how it works with Chain of Command. I personally believe that "Post Counts" should very well be the last point, Time & Weapon Badges should be first. I'll tell you why, what's to say If I'm a recruit and I'll spend the next month posting "Hi welcome to" 500 times ? versus a guy who might have half the post counts but it's more valuable and he has his badges ...

    Don't get me wrong all 3 points are valid when promoting but I still think that above all those it's all about commitment and gaining the respect of your guys in battle. It's all about being a "Leader".

    My philosophy about things like this "Don't talk about it, be about it"

    Are you gonna tell your manager at the job "Hey man I want a promotion" or "Hmm I know what it takes to be promoted let me show them why"
    Like you I also like to make lengthy posts, I don't know what it is but I tend to get my point across much better when I write than if I try and speak it..... I get tongue tied or lose train of thought, forget what I am saying etc

    The problem I face when typing is I tend to go on and on and on.. I have to reign it in and make a conscious effort to get to the point otherwise you would be reading short stories in most if my posts that veer away from the topic if conversation

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    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  6. #45
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    So I'm not as good of a player as most of you guys. I currently am a corporal. To rank up I will need to get my sharpshooter and expert badges. For me this could take a very long time if i ever complete them. As most of you know I am active on the site. For me this could be the only way to rank up. I like the idea that it could be possible.

    CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
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  7. #46
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Ruthless RE4PER View Post
    So I'm not as good of a player as most of you guys. I currently am a corporal. To rank up I will need to get my sharpshooter and expert badges. For me this could take a very long time if i ever complete them. As most of you know I am active on the site. For me this could be the only way to rank up. I like the idea that it could be possible.
    Nah, I'm not an amazing player and I got all of those badges before I left. It will come in time and like I said in another post earlier today...... I'm going to re-buy ghosts for the 360 in an attempt to help some other guys out. Yourself included... I'll show you how we did it and with any luck get a full CAG team in on the action running so e Charlie delta style game play.

    Though before I do this I would like to get my marksman done to enable me to confirm games etc and prevent any newer guys thinking I am a newbie. Lol - this is proving rather difficult as I have not been fortunate enough to get the games in with full members to confirm my scores...... Thought I would if completed it a short while ago but the full member I managed to get in to a game with me left half way through the first match and went to play a different game

    Hopefully my luck will change this weekend when work is not a factor in the already vast time difference between myself and the other AW players on the Xbone

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    CAG Dogg Level: 53 [?]
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  8. #47
    RE4PER's Avatar
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    If your on 360 I will help you.

    CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
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  9. #48
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by SprayAim View Post
    Nah, I'm not an amazing player and I got all of those badges before I left. It will come in time and like I said in another post earlier today...... I'm going to re-buy ghosts for the 360 in an attempt to help some other guys out. Yourself included... I'll show you how we did it and with any luck get a full CAG team in on the action running so e Charlie delta style game play.

    Though before I do this I would like to get my marksman done to enable me to confirm games etc and prevent any newer guys thinking I am a newbie. Lol - this is proving rather difficult as I have not been fortunate enough to get the games in with full members to confirm my scores...... Thought I would if completed it a short while ago but the full member I managed to get in to a game with me left half way through the first match and went to play a different game

    Hopefully my luck will change this weekend when work is not a factor in the already vast time difference between myself and the other AW players on the Xbone

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Well I dunno where you were on that Ghost Campaign but we've had countless shock squads a perfect game and tactical prescision for days...

    CAG Randuken
    Major General

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  10. #49
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Randuken View Post
    Well I dunno where you were on that Ghost Campaign but we've had countless shock squads a perfect game and tactical prescision for days...

    CAG Randuken
    Major General
    What do you mean? Sorry. Early morning..... Just having some trouble putting your response in to context of my post

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  11. #50
    CAG Archangel's Avatar
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    Regarding senior ranks...when Merz used to produce site stats for Whiskey, it was indeed the Whiskey management that were consistently top posters...myself included...month in month out.

    Although my activity has dropped considerably, due to reasons I shall not explain again, I like to add value to conversations where I can rather than the bullshit copy paste that could so easily up the post count.

    Anyhoot...I'm taking my grumpy ass to the's bacon time!

    Have a great day fuckers.

    Lieutenant Colonel - CAG Archangel
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    CAG Dogg Level: 52 [?]
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