Quote Originally Posted by CAG JB View Post
To be honest man I dont think he is/does/wants to acknowledge this. I get the point of wanting to be active but simple intuition you think would at least come into play in regards to these threads as theres quite a few that have been revived from dust.Simple intuition you would think would kick in and therefore show the realisation that he could be talking regarding something that has been resolved or talking to someone that has most likely moved on or went dark.

Like Gyspy stated in another of these posts dating back to the stone age that the comment revived an old thread which had outgrown its relevance,it throws up a possible red flag with him and to be fair it does with me also.For the sheer fact that if the old threads are being revived without relevance to date shows to me that this ain't a forum noob especially if its old threads and he does know how to navigate forums.
If he is not acknowledging these posts then he is gone. I don't have time to shuffle through 100 threads a day that are over a year old for him not to acknowledge it. He keeps it up, I'll make the hard choice and remove him.

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