Any word on the status of clan war? Ibfigured this would happen there was lots of anticipation for this to start
Discussion for the Predators of the Marine Corps. SOC (Special Operations Command).
Any word on the status of clan war? Ibfigured this would happen there was lots of anticipation for this to start
CAG CheechDogg (December 6th, 2014)
CAG CheechDogg (December 6th, 2014)
With the xbl servers being attacked I wouldn't worry about xbl this weekend ... MS is not going to do shit about it because they are cheap as hell ....
I just logged into clan wars on the APP IT said clan wars has resumed?
CAG CheechDogg (December 6th, 2014)
Send everyone a message on xbox live then and make a new thread announcing what it said ...
This just in clan wars has officially started and all games we played yesterday even when the wars were shut down have been counted. We now own three nodes (we captured domination with our play last night during the shut down)
xPARCHx (December 6th, 2014)
CAG CheechDogg (December 6th, 2014)
Not a problem always down to help!
CAG CheechDogg (December 6th, 2014)
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