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Thread: Black Ops Emblem Maturity

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  1. #1
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    Alright guys, this is becoming something that might start to come up. If you want to stay as a member of this clan, you will not have a blatantly disrespectful or obscene emblem. It might not offend you, it might not even offend any members of the clan, but it will offend some people that you play with/against in public matches. We are not going to allow our members to don an offensive emblem while repping the CAG clan tag or CAG gamertag. If you are told to change your gamertag by an officer, you are to change it or else receive an immediate demerit point. If you need help on figuring out who an officer is, please visit the Roster. Let me remind you that after 3 demerit points you will be removed from the clan. We are not joking about this, we are not going to allow immaturity to hurt the clan's image.

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  2. #2
    CAG Stud
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    Very well said Gdubs. I will not allow this from anyone. I don't care how long you have been with CAG, I have big plans for CAG in the near future and things like this can easily hurt our chances of every getting a sponsor.

    We also need to tone it down in the lobbies and refrain from making any references to drug use. We do have some young kids in our Clan and we should be someone they look up to. Although I don't like the "be a good rode model" cliche to fall on us, the truth is it will at some point. It starts at home for kids to show maturity and discipline, but we would love to have a sponsor or two and something like that can also hurt our chances.

    Lets keep our website Kid friendly you guys and free from any offensive content. We are not censoring anything, but lets keep it within good taste. I am not going to say don't curse in the forums, that is up to you guys to decide when the time is right to drop that f-bomb and when not to.

    Thanks to all in advance and lets keep that good name of CAG rollen'.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  3. #3
    Eagle7's Avatar
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    Ill make sure to enforce if necessary. For emblem suggestions just ask and we will help you in any way necessary.

    CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
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  4. #4
    BFB jsbrando's Avatar
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    This is absolutely something that is paramount in my opinion. I joined this clan to work with a team and use communication. I stick with this clan because we have people who care about others, look out for younger folks who need help, have a high standard of play, communications, and maturity. I do NOT tolerate idiocy and immaturity when it comes to emblems and shit talking. I don't think there's any place for it in a forum where kids are allowed to play. I always report players who have offensive emblems of the pornographic nature because I have kids who sometimes watch when I'm playing and they see these things. I also will report anything I feel goes over the line of common acceptability; i.e. the Swastika. While it does NOT offend me personally, I understand the 20+ million Jews who were tortured, killed, and dehumanized by the Nazi's during the 1930s and 1940s are offended by such symbols. It can have a deeply profound impact on someone who is from a culture that has gone thru something like that...

    Anyways... let's keep this high standards high here at CAG! We can do this together. If you're a young person in the clan and you're now scoffing at our posts of keeping it clean and mature, remember, you too will someday be older and wiser and understand this point of view. Also think of how uncomfortable you would be if your parents start the sex talk with you; keep that in mind when considering others comfortability...

    yeah, I know, none of that made sense, but so what, I'm old and I ramble... :P

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  5. #5
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    Very well put brando, maturity is something we all must learn and accept at some point in our lives. Not everyone matures the same and some never do mature at all. Although we ourselves can say we are mature enough, sometimes we too can break that rule and never notice it.

    I hope young kids like you said notice what we are trying to do here. Although I don't like the cliche of "Be a good role model", it "is" something we have to always be aware of. We are role models whether we like it or not. My Son sees me ass as one and I am sure others do too. But like I said before, it starts at Home and is our Home, CAG's Home and if we don't respect it and the name, others won't either.

    I think a perfect example is the other night when I asked Mexi4life stop cursing in games. I don't allow my Son to do it and I don't want young kids in our Clan to do it either. If at any time you guys see my Son acting up or cursing, please don't hesitate to remind him that it is not acceptable.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  6. #6
    gratefulDUBS's Avatar
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    Thanks for all the replies guys. My apologies for last night cheech, parts of it were obviously a little over the top haha but you know me brah. i'd say a good idea for CTF would be to always be in party chat. i tend to get a bit fired up when we're rolling through games. But everything else, I totally agree with you on, same with you brando.

    If anyone in this clan even thinks its funny to construct a swastika or think that they're "badass" or thinks that creating a scene that depicts either black or white figures hanging from a tree is "cool" then i myself will boot you out of this clan instantly. Show some maturity. Don't look like an ignorant prick and don't act like one either because everything that you do on XBL when you have the CAG tag on looks bad on us. Make me look like a racist and, look at that, you're back to playing lone wolf. The majority of this clan is older, so this shouldn't even be a thought in your mind.

    To anyone else reading this that has questions, please talk to me or anyone else of the Senior Staff. If a CAG Officer tells you to change your emblem due to its explicit nature then you will do it instantly. If a CAG officer tells you to stop swearing and tone down the language then you do it instantly. Theres no "i'll change my emblem later" talk necessary, go directly to your playercard and delete all layers immediately. You can create a new emblem later.

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  7. #7
    CAG Stud
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    @ Gdubya - Exactly, its not about us being on a power trip, but about showing consideration and respect to the XBL Gaming Community. If we don't respect ourselves who will. If we show others respect, they will too. And even if they don't, we all know that we did and that is all that matters.

    Just like Gdubya said, if you are caught with any offensive content on your profile, you will be asked to remove it. If you do not remove it, Gdubya and any Officer in CAG has the authority to remove you immediately from the Clan. You "WILL NOT" be given a 2nd chance either. This is a warning and will not be tolerated. Thanks to all that adhere by this rule.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  8. #8
    CAG Stud
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    Just a reminder to everyone, we do have a "Code of Conduct". If you do not know of it or don't know it by now, here is a link to it. Read it, understand it and live by it if you wish to remain a part of CAG.

    Code of Conduct
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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  9. #9
    BFB jsbrando's Avatar
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    CAG GdubyaB wrote:
    Thanks for all the replies guys. My apologies for last night cheech, parts of it were obviously a little over the top haha but you know me brah. i'd say a good idea for CTF would be to always be in party chat. i tend to get a bit fired up when we're rolling through games. But everything else, I totally agree with you on, same with you brando.

    If anyone in this clan even thinks its funny to construct a swastika or think that they're "badass" or thinks that creating a scene that depicts either black or white figures hanging from a tree is "cool" then i myself will boot you out of this clan instantly. Show some maturity. Don't look like an ignorant prick and don't act like one either because everything that you do on XBL when you have the CAG tag on looks bad on us. Make me look like a racist and, look at that, you're back to playing lone wolf. The majority of this clan is older, so this shouldn't even be a thought in your mind.

    To anyone else reading this that has questions, please talk to me or anyone else of the Senior Staff. If a CAG Officer tells you to change your emblem due to its explicit nature then you will do it instantly. If a CAG officer tells you to stop swearing and tone down the language then you do it instantly. Theres no "i'll change my emblem later" talk necessary, go directly to your playercard and delete all layers immediately. You can create a new emblem later.
    I may not be a CAG Officer, but I tell you to change you probably should too... cause I'm most likely older than you and remember, "respect your elders"! :P

    in all seriousnees, just remember to treat others as you would want to be treated... - yes, the Golden Rule!

    CAG Dogg Level: 37 [?]
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  10. #10
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
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    Re:Black Ops Emblem Maturity

    @ brando - You are not an Officer but you have the authority to tell someone if they need to change something or discipline them accordingly.

    We all agreed to be part of a Clan and we need to understand that. We have rules and they need to be followed.
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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