Alright guys, this is becoming something that might start to come up. If you want to stay as a member of this clan, you will not have a blatantly disrespectful or obscene emblem. It might not offend you, it might not even offend any members of the clan, but it will offend some people that you play with/against in public matches. We are not going to allow our members to don an offensive emblem while repping the CAG clan tag or CAG gamertag. If you are told to change your gamertag by an officer, you are to change it or else receive an immediate demerit point. If you need help on figuring out who an officer is, please visit the Roster. Let me remind you that after 3 demerit points you will be removed from the clan. We are not joking about this, we are not going to allow immaturity to hurt the clan's image.