From the very first COD movement speed has been controlled by the weapon you are carrying. In the past there has been a perk to boost your movement speed. AW is no different but I will cover that in a bit. Your speed is based on 100%. each weapon has a percentage of reduction.
SMG, Shotgun, Pistols, and Tac knife = have a zero percent reduction ==== 0% - 100% = movement speed is 100%
Assault rifles and sniper rifles = 10% reduction ==== 10% - 100% = movement speed is 90%
Heavy weapons = 20% reduction ==== 20% - 100% = movement speed is 80%
Now with that said here is how we modify that in AW. If you run lightweight to will have a multiplier of 1.07 +/-. So now your speed change.
SMG, Shotgun, Pistols, and Tac knife with lightweight 1.07 x 100% = movement speed of 107%
Assault rifles and sniper rifles with lightweight 1.07 x 90% = movement speed of 96.3%
Heavy weapons with lightweight 1.07 x 80% = movement speed of 85.6%
In AW we have one more way to modify movement speed. Thats the exo ability over clocked. On a side note over clocked is very quick to use. it will take effect immediately. There is no activation animation where you reach over and tap your ipad on your arm.
Over clocked will give you a multiplier of 1.1
SMG, Shotgun, Pistols, and Tac knife with over clocked 1.1 x 100% = movement speed of 110%
Assault rifles and sniper rifles with over clocked 1.1 x 90% = movement speed of 99%
Heavy weapons with over clocked 1.1 x 80% = movement speed of 88%
Now if you still want to move quicker you have one last option. You can stack light weight and over clocked. Due to the fact that over clocked is an exo ability your fast speed will only last a short time but this might be enough to get your out of trouble if your in a jam or get you back into the fight if your across the map.
If you use both over clocked and light weight your speeds will be a multiplier of 1.177
SMG, Shotgun, Pistols, and Tac knife with both 1.177 x 100% = movement speed of 118%
Assault rifles and sniper rifles with both 1.177 x 90% = movement speed of 106%
Heavy weapons with both 1.177 x 80% = movement speed of 94%
So if you are still with me and arent completely confused, congratulations.
That is the basics of movement speed in AW. Hope to see you out there.