Just stay active and show us you want to be on the team we will make sure you make it. Just have to dedicate yourselves to the game and be able to play multiple hours at a time.
Learn how to join Charlie Delta where only CAG's most discipline and tactful members play in COD's Clan Wars.
May i please get an invite please sirs
JouNASTY (November 26th, 2014)
My bad bro ...
No worries at all
JouNASTY (November 26th, 2014)
Um we can start this week, I'll be away this weekend but we can get some stuff this weekend.
I'm down Randy...we should set a day, time and duration of practice/meeting with a couple of days in advanced that way people can confirm and make plans. I feel that the first thing we should do is run private matches and set the call outs for each map. Also determine based on the game types who is going to be our objective players and who is gonna be support and slayers.
Randuken (December 1st, 2014)
heads up I still have not received a clan invite
JouNASTY (December 2nd, 2014)
Get with Headhunter or Nut Job on it if not then I'll try and get to it.
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