I registered and join the clan a week ago. Have done everything they asked me too and have gotten ZERO responses from my. SGT.'s and command. I have 6 pending friend requests still pending for over 5 days from guys that were supposed to be my higher ups and teach me about the clan, unit, and steps to achieve medals that's one I deserved and two I wanted to complete. I've PM my division commander and got a simple response saying he will accept my friend request which he finally did.. I've gone up the chain and have gotten no where. I was looking for a community to play with and could even get anyone to accept a friends request.. For these reasons I'm going towards a different clan that has already shown active community practices and has 12,000 active members who are actively trying to help and most importantly game it up.. Very disappointed with my experience with the CAG and wish it was much different when I was looking for answers. You can inactivate my profile. Thanks
CAG Dogg Level: 24 [?]
Experience: 68,017
Next Level: 79,247
I've been here for quite a few days as well, and have yet to play with anyone in this clan, but I am on PS3, and I just might be the only PS3 member active right now. And I love this clan so far. A clan is more than just finding someone to game with, it can be about finding a bunch of people who, despite console, are awesome people to be in a clan with. Everyone seems cool to me so far, I see no reason to leave. Just get to know some people. I'm sure the games will be soon to come.
CAG Dogg Level: 26 [?]
Experience: 122,146
Next Level: 125,609
The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Chunt_Funter For This Fucking Post:
That should of made you send me a friend request on the 360... did you?
You have a total of 18 posts , you started a thread asking if you should sell your 360 and had tons of guys respond to it and then you just stopped being active on that thread ... here it is ...
I do not know your situation. From what I can tell you are a Xbox 360 gamer, I tend to stay on the One, unless my Commander in Cheech requests my presence. But from what I can tell, this seems to me like you registered here in CAG and then judging by your friends list, you also registered with the XGN folks. And when it came to playing, someone did not respond fast enough for you, so maybe the proper amount of hugs were not there. I do not know. But when you want to be apart of something you put actual effort into it. When I joined CAG, I was a recruit too, but to me, when I said, I am going to give CAG a shot, I actually gave it a shot. I was PRO-ACTIVE. I participated on forums, I added EVERY person I could find, and played with anyone and everyone I could. And when it came down to brass tacks, we clicked. And I love these guys. But from I can see, you added a few people from here and a few people from there, and never really gave it a shot in CAG, so if you did not get what you were expecting that is not our fault. The fact of the matter, you will only get back from a gaming community what you are willing to put in. When you truly want to do something you make it a point to do it. And I am not just talking about gaming, when I want to go fishing, I go buy my license, and restring my reels and do the necessary steps to do it. I do not say I want to fish and then expect the fish to jump in my bucket.
CAG is recruiting, always recruiting. We recruit people who want to be apart of group that cares about one another. Brother to brother. People who want to make this a great place to be for everyone. Personally, I am sorry that you feel this way, and I hope everything works out for you.
CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
Experience: 10,789,773
Next Level: 11,777,899
The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:
The thing is. You joined 5 days ago. And from reading your post you said you went up the COC well if they is the case you never reached me and I don't think you talked to any of my sgts. That is your COC and I'm right at the top with covie. I think you have joining another clan running around in your mind. And we'll one thing we don't tollarste Here at CAG is double claning.
CAG Dogg Level: 49 [?]
Experience: 9,958,663
Next Level: 10,000,000
The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to breaksk81 For This Fucking Post: