Hey everyone, just wanted to stop by and see how everyone has been doing?
Things for me have been going pretty well. I am adjusting to the University life quite well, but am sort of struggling in two out of my four classes. Which is definitely about to change, I am learning the rhythms of being in University and am understanding study strategies and such. I haven't really been on to play much of my Xbox One due to this. I am trying to cut my time spent on it down until Christmas break when I get a whole month off, which is the time I will probably be playing GTA V for the Xbox One a lot.
I also just recently received a paper back from a class I'm in and I received an A- on the paper. Which is super good news considering many people don't get A's in the University I am in. I am handing in a second paper tomorrow, which leaves me with one more to do!
I just thought I'd pop in and give an update on what I've been upto, and to reassure everyone that I have not forgot about the clan, and my gaming home.
I hope everyone is enjoying life right now. Hope to see everyone around soon when GTA V drops.
Cheers everyone. Love you all. No homo.
-Mad Shot!