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Thread: So... HOW is IT!?!?

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  1. #51
    Bamaguitarguy's Avatar
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    I'm enjoying thus far. Has that 4th gen "feel."

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  2. #52
    HG867's Avatar
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    Okay I have some problems with the game..

    1. Why are there so little weapons??
    This games I can tell already will be heavily favored for the assault rifle. With that being said there is only six? Out of these six two are burst one is single shot and three are assault rifles. So if you don't like single shot or burst your stuck with 3 assault rifles...

    2. I do not like the weapons that you unlock via a "battle pack". COD has always been that everyone has access to the same stuff which made it fair. Granted your levels will determine on what you have but once you reach the first level cap you have what everyone else has ALWAYS.
    Now advance warfare has place in a RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR that might give you that awesome Bal obsidean steal that increase your damage by 2 points... .

    3. The maps seem to have no rhyme or reason to them. Some maps are good but the prison map forget what is it called is dominated by high ground. And very little action is actually fought anywhere else unless your playing an objective that forces you to be somewhere else. The devs address this issue saying that when you are on the high ground you are really exposed. This is not the case. There are countless head glitch spots on power positions on high ground. And don't get me started on that jungle map...
    4. The kill streaks are once again disappointing. There are not many kill streaks that actually kill reliably. The sentry gun is a joke unless you add additions to it. I remember placing it and it not doing anything. You actually have to upgrade it to make it AI controlled.. Which makes it cost more points to get... The recon drone is not good. The UAV is just standard but so many run low profile. The assault drone is unreliable only good for one kill at best. System hack is honestly not that good in my opinion. It's annoying but not that bad except for the crossbones one the middle of your screen for a couple seconds. The Vulcan is definitely better but once again not great.the predator is standard in cod usually nets you one kill. The bombing run is extremely slow to come in. The mech suit is easily destroyed if double teamed and it is like a care package which means it can be taken..bla. The two last ones are good tho but this line up just seems so safe and boring.

    Granted the game is better than ghost but I see some glaring issues and just personal preference problems. There is good things like how the game looks. Graphically it looks good. The guns look awesome in game. Second the pick 13 or 14 system is good I like that a lot.
    But for me the negatives are starting to mount up.

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  3. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to HG867 For This Fucking Post:

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  4. #53
    Kujeaux's Avatar
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    I've reached 50, but not "51" where I can prestige. I gave the Ameli a good test and really like it ... I plan on permanently unlocking this gun. The iron sights are completely plausible as a scope, very nice. The kick isn't too bad but I like putting a Foregrip on it. Is it better than an assault rifle? Probably not as versatile but I've got a class that's doing wonders for me. I'm choosing this one over an assault rifle b/c you can get decent assault rifles throughout the unlock cycle. The build: Ameli as my primary and with Overkill I equip an SMG as my secondary, suppressors and foregrips on both, typically stealthy perks, Exo Mute to move quickly with my SMG from station to station. I don't use too many scorestreaks because, as HG noted, the lower tier ones are pretty terrible and I'm not in enough of a groove to earn the bigger ones consistently.

    The spawns, on some maps they are erratic as hell and some maps predictable. Last night I spawned next to this rock (not a very big rock), there was an enemy on the other side of the rock ... I could smell his fart. Yet, on the prison map, it seems to spawn you on one side or the other and you can easily get spawn trapped as enemies sit on the roof and shoot down on you.

    This game needs dedicated servers badly ... it has the potential to be great fun but the instakills are grinding me down. If I were to guess, my K/D playing by myself is probably 1.5 to 1.7 but while playing with friends it's less than 1 ... I've had games where I simply can't kill anyone despite getting the jump on them from behind so it's better for me to sit in the corner avoiding combat.

    My biggest fear for this game is that it rewards the chaotic jumping too much and it'll become a game where the best strategy is to keep jumping and hip firing. I've seen it already and those players are very difficult to kill and have found that my best defense against it is to also be hopping around ... and the winner of the fight is usually whoever has a teammate on the ground shooting the jumpers.

    This game is a void when it comes to static lethal equipment. Blops2 had shock charges, bouncing betties, claymores ... Ghosts only had IMSs ... AW has the explosive drone, what a joke. The explosive drone ... I've probably gotten 5 kills with it after throwing down 200 ... perhaps not the fault of the equipment but that the game gives everyone Blind Eye at the start. But worse than that, and this might just be me not realizing what the indicator is, I have no idea when someone trips it.

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  5. #54
    vl Matty xD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HG867 View Post

    2. I do not like the weapons that you unlock via a "battle pack". COD has always been that everyone has access to the same stuff which made it fair. Granted your levels will determine on what you have but once you reach the first level cap you have what everyone else has ALWAYS.
    Now advance warfare has place in a RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR that might give you that awesome Bal obsidean steal that increase your damage by 2 points... .
    I actually really like this. I feel that the variants aren't so much as an upgrade but just different skin, personally feel that the difference from the added stats will make a minimal difference to the point of it not being noticeable, instead you can just brag that RNGesus has laid his will upon you and now you have a sick ass skin for your favourite gun.

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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to vl Matty xD For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #55
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    RNGesus ... lmao. Yeah, most guns take a stat or two away and put them in another category.

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  8. #56
    HG867's Avatar
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    Yeah it does feel you are insta killed a lot as well. Idk fellows I really wanna like this game.
    Going to keep playing tho.

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  9. #57
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    Sounds like a 12 year olds wet dream to me . Halo jumping drop shooting COD masterpiece . I have watched some of the videos y'all have been posting and it looks like the time to kill is insanely fast .

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  10. #58
    vl Matty xD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG BIG COUNTRY View Post
    Sounds like a 12 year olds wet dream to me . Halo jumping drop shooting COD masterpiece . I have watched some of the videos y'all have been posting and it looks like the time to kill is insanely fast .
    I also though from watching stuff that the time to kill was incredibly fast but it isn't actually the case from my experience anyway. You are actually quite beefy it takes a good few bullets to bring you down, I think the time to kill looks quick because most guns have a fairly high rate of fire but once you get in to a game you'll notice that it isn't all that fast, like Black Ops 2.

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  12. #59
    Bamaguitarguy's Avatar
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    My soldier feels a little like the one in Crysis .... That just dawned one & I wondered if anyone felt the same? I still dig the game; it doesn't give me the same adrenaline rush as BF, but is good in its own unique way....

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  13. #60
    vl Matty xD's Avatar
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    Okay.. Something that is really starting to piss me off the MLG 420 SwAgScOpErS... Every game.. They are a fucking plague I don't know what sledgehammer done with the MORS but the auto aim assist on that thing must be ungodly high it is stupidly easy for someone to "quick scope" me by aiming in my general direction and then having the auto aim assist teleport the crosshairs directly to my head when they tap LT and then they simply have to press RT for me to suffer an unfair death while their raging boner increases tenfold because they think they're good when really they have just had their hand held through the entire process because of ungodly amounts of auto aim assist.

    CAG Dogg Level: 32 [?]
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  14. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to vl Matty xD For This Fucking Post:

    Kujeaux (November 6th, 2014)

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