Quote Originally Posted by XBigDaddyCrushX View Post
id like to point something out on this matter. due to the low number of clan members that play this and the frequency that it is played by these members it can be extremely difficult to play with other members to achieve these goals. ive gone through my list of friends and checked the game activity and found that only a handful if that play often enough to help with these reqs. most active members have not played this game in 14 days or more. i would like to request that photo evidence b temporarily accepted for this until this games clan player community grows and develops. (example xb1 merger) ty
This was my argument when I completed this marksman solo with photo evidence. There are not many who play it and the ones that do are 5-8 hours behind me and they log in on an evening... This means I have to be active in the early hours of the morning to do a marksman which I am unable to do. I had hoped that an exception under the circumstances could have been made but never mind. Rules are rules and I won't be the one to question a final decision

Now rocky is interested in gaining these medals I now have someone in my time zone to grind this out with

Platoon Commander
6th Platoon
Bravo Company