Say it ain't so man. You've been a good team mate and i've enjoyed our sessions on BF and the Vault of Glass. I know these are only games so if something is ruining your fun and getting under your skin, you don't need it. We have enough negativity in life to have to deal with more of it when it comes to your relaxing time at home.
I hope you can work through whatever is bothering you here with CAG, but if not, we'll keep gaming whenever we can.
CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
Experience: 1,567,879
Next Level: 1,757,916
If you need to talk to me directly about this Havoc you can .... I haven't had to stick my nose in Whiskey's business but since you stated the problem could be with "officers" then that concerns me directly ... either way the guys on Whiskey are more than capable to handle this themselves, but if you want to talk to me directly send me a PM my Man ...
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 289,887,536
Next Level: 305,690,101
i think the issue comes from playin games like titanfall and Destiny with other CAG members. As far Whiskey officers havin issue with him nothing has ever come up. He has and if he wishz to remain so been a valuable asset to Whiskey Co
Whiskey Company
Hell Houndz Platoon Commander
2nd Lt.
CAG Dogg Level: 49 [?]
Experience: 9,045,946
Next Level: 10,000,000
Damn. Hate to see you go. I will barge into your parties uninvitedly. You were warned. Lol
I just read the post that you might rethink staying and you should! It was a shock to read this and first heard it from another clan mate and I quoted "WHHHHAAATTTTTT". With the new COD and BF coming soon I would reconsider so we can make more of those bad ass gaming moments.
CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
Experience: 6,117,171
Next Level: 7,172,237
So another case of not being able to play with other clan members ?
I don't feel that was the issue,
Personally I feel that this will be needed to handled by you cheech and it is my belief that CAG Pisspawz will be getting in touch with u on this matter.
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,322,888
Next Level: 55,714,302