I just opened up my shiny new iPhone 6 Plus and got er goin today. My goodness godly graciousness do I love this phone. I know I look like a douche walking around holding this phablet but it's totally worth it. The screen size makes watching videos actually plausable (I had a 5s that I sold a few weeks ago) and the battery life DESTROYS. It still fits in my pocket well and even while driving I didn't have that much trouble using it with one hand with minor help from the other hand (I usually don't toot my own horn but I'm a badass driver and phone user, you have to be when you're a farmer![]()
I realize I'm an Apple fanboy mostly because I have so much invested in the iTunes Store and the Apple ecosystem (Apple TV, airport express, Mac Pro, etc) but I respect that the android phones have a lot to offer, my most coveted being a removable battery.
I'd like guys to chime in on what they have and why they likey!