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Thread: As I Take My Leave.

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  1. #1
    ObamaAteMyDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 9386
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    This member is currently
    Local Date
    March 13th, 2025
    Local Time
    12:23 PM
    Jasper Ga
    Forum Regular

    As I Take My Leave.

    It was short but fun, wife is now pregnant so I will have to pick up the slack by getting a second job. Witch means I will hardly be on.. it sucks Cause I finally get a good team and a clan that I like so much. I hope that one day I can join back but right now I won't have the time to be as active as I promised I would. My xbox will be on netflix alot cause of my wife but if you ever see it on a game please send a invite. If if protocol is banning I will understand. I just want yall to know what's going on with me and not leave you guys in the dark..

    From cheech, xCHEESYCHEDDAx, brakesk81, bob and all the others. I will miss everyone!. For the members that have me on Xbox I would like if I stayed on your friends list if not I will understand. I'm still CAG and will still rock that clan tag.

    It's just I'm very uptight about rules and one of them is be active. New job starts Monday, so I will see you guys around and when my wife gets to where she can go back to work I will be back.

    - ObamaAteMyDogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 36 [?]
    Experience: 877,435
    Next Level: 1,000,000

  2. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to ObamaAteMyDogg For This Fucking Post:

    CAG Covieleader (October 20th, 2014)

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