Will the "scientists" have estimated that it will kill 2 million people by the time it gets under control
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BlameItOnGod13 (October 18th, 2014)
CAG KoruptdRicn (October 23rd, 2014)
CAG KoruptdRicn (October 23rd, 2014)
CAG CheechDogg (October 18th, 2014),ObamaAteMyDogg (October 19th, 2014)
BlameItOnGod13 (October 19th, 2014)
BlameItOnGod13 (October 19th, 2014)
CAG KoruptdRicn (October 23rd, 2014),ObamaAteMyDogg (October 19th, 2014)
Very true look at the travon Martin case "oh poor innocent lil boy victim of a hate crime once the real facts started leaking out that he hated white people and once they found out Zimmerman was Hispanic all of a sudden they backed off the story. In my mind race don't matter if your gonna do the story do that whole damn story not just a part of it to get ratings the whole world in news and political sense is not looking out after what matters most, the citizens and our military we taken a back seat for some damn reason.
BlameItOnGod13 (October 19th, 2014),CAG KoruptdRicn (October 23rd, 2014)
I look at it like this. If I die, I die. If I live, I live. End of story, there is no need for the mass panic the news outlets are trying to start.
CAG KoruptdRicn (October 23rd, 2014),ObamaAteMyDogg (October 19th, 2014)