It seems Rockstar is readying a first person mode for the PC, PS4 and Xbox One versions of Grand Theft Auto V if a (now removed) community post is to be believed. One GTA forum user happened to snag a screenshot of the post before its removal, giving us an extensive list of the supposed next-gen features and content. The most exciting of the bunch is the new first person mode, which will be an option for both driving and on-foot gameplay. Normally we’d brush aside these rumors, but given that it came via Rockstar directly in an accidental post we believe it holds more weight.
Turning GTA V into a first-person shooter has already been possible for months, but it has required the help of mods. Now Rockstar would officially integrate the feature into the new-gen release and let players commit virtual felonies from the viewpoint of their sociopathic avatars. Surely there won’t be any backlash from parents or the media, right?
You can take a look below for a brief rundown of what changes to expect in Rockstar’s updated release:
A brand new first person mode for vehicles that shows the interior of the vehicle, including working speedometers, tachometers, dash lights, and more
A brand new first person mode while on foot
A wealth of new easter eggs and random events for Story Mode
New animals roaming Los Santos
Animals in GTA Online?
Players that transfer characters from Xbox 360 or PS3 will receive free new weapons and a free garage in GTA Online.
Newly overhauled character selection screen
Increased draw distances
Finer texture details
Denser traffic
Enhanced resolutions
An extensive array of new Jobs
An arsenal of new weapons
Scores of new vehicles
New properties and player customizations
Cross-gen GTA Online character transfer
Video editor (PC only)
Grand Theft Auto V will release on PS4 and Xbox One on November 18th with the PC release following next year, January 27th.
CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
Experience: 10,788,679
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I cannot come up with a good justification to purchase this on XO. I am kinda peeved that they said, we will not be releasing this on XO, so you must get it on X360. Then low and behold here it comes. Fuckin A.
CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
Experience: 10,788,679
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We were all pumped about this game before and when it came out, we played the shit out of it because we thought there was going to be heists and nothing ... complete bs ...
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
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