In this edition of the Crew Cut, we highlight some standout flight Crews dedicated to aerial action including some real-life pilots who pull double-duty flying the virtual skies of Los Santos and Blaine County. Read on as well for a war report on the most recent Crew Battles and a couple of our favorite current Crews on Film videos.actual_1411310551Just some of what happens with The Pilots Club (IFLY) Crew, including the pilot license they assigned to co-Commissioner suicideblanche (top right).The release of the San Andreas Flight School Update for GTA Online sent fleets of flight-centric Crews soaring with the new Besra. One such Crew is The Pilots Club (IFLY) Crew, a serious, super organized, detail-oriented outfit made up of some actual, licensed pilots. Run by Leader Pilot.Keegan, a Cadet Pilot in the Air Training Corps (part of the Royal Air Force Air Cadets), IFLY got its start when he couldn't find a dedicated flight Crew made up of serious aviators. So was born The Pilots Club, a community that parlay their love for flight for fun in the world of GTA Online while networking and making connections all over the world. In an interview conducted via email, Keegan had this to say:“With members in places ranging from Norway, Saudi Arabia, Serbia and more, IFLY coordinates such activities as "air shows, role play flights with air traffic control and ground maps and detailed aviation flight maps."Additionally, IFLY formed The Alliance, a group of Crews and airlines that follow a set of guidelines that aim to provide optimum safety and performance for pilots and passengers. "They work safely (thanks to a security company) and get paid (passengers are made to pay flying fees)," Keegan explained.The guidelines are part of their Federal Aviation Administration. "This is a set of rules that all pilots in the pilots club must follow, such as do not kill passengers, no bullying, no racism, no sexism and general mischief. Some are more aviation related such as do not dogfight unless both pilots have agreed, pilots should only fly if they understand basic radio chatter," he said. IFLY have even created their own "flight school", so GTAV pilots can learn navigation and radio skills - and earn their Commercial Pilots License within the group. To learn more about this intricate Crew and their network, get flight training, or even just book a flight with IFLY, you can go to the site for Air Jaffa, one of The Alliance's airlines.Originals Crew (ORIG) member GTA-Wise-Guy shows off his skills here with the Besra. Another flight club, the 800-plus deep Originals Crew (ORIG), stay showing off their right stuff. In the video above, GTA-Wise-Guy (who pulls quintuple duty also holding it down in the more land-lubbing 6 Star Street Racers, the Slammed Community and other Crews) takes the nimble Besra through its paces in a spectacular stunt montage. They've got an active YouTube channel that features videos from their six person offshoot dedicated to making sky-high video magic dubbed The Originals Crew Elite Division (OCED). And in addition to being experts in the aerial arts, the Originals are also formidable on land - ranking high in Vehicle Deathmatches (35th on PS3; 214th on XBL) and Non-Contact Races (217th on XBL).Ace pilot and ORIG Leader Original_Tonks takes control of the P-996 Lazer here and performs an array of death-defying maneuvers, navigating the narrow gaps of industrial girders and docking bays found in the Port of South Los Santos, La Puerta and the choppy turbines of the RON Alternates Wind Farm.Formed in March, The ULTRAS AIRFORCE (USAF) Crew regularly participate in road trips around the Los Santos streets in all-black Grangers, their official Crew vehicle. Being a flight-based Crew, USAF naturally take time to practice their skills in the sky, participating in formation and convoy flights in the P-996 Lazer jet. Coming up on their one year anniversary are the Dutch Jetset PS (DJET) Crew, 635 deep and quite successful. DJET are currently ranked 147th in Vehicle Deathmatches (66 Wins, 1,946 Kills), 220th in Races (10,866 Wins), 399th in Parachuting (570 Wins). 787th in Deathmatches (122 Wins, 1.09 K/D) and 874th in Tennis (519 Wins, 2,823 Points). Living up to the exclusiveness that the jet set portion of their name suggests, DJET are currently open only to fellow Dutchmen. The Xbox version of their Crew is even more successful, ranking 109th in Races (8,761 Wins), 175th in Team Deathmatches (1,287 Wins, 18,812 Kills), 188th in GTA Races (1,024 Wins), 323rd in Parachuting (402 Wins) and 336th in Deathmatches (114 Wins, 6,305 Kills). For interested pilots who’d like a boarding pass into DJET, be advised that you’ll need a Netherlands passport for this club, as these guys only admit fellow Dutchmen. CREW BATTLEThe most recent Crew Battles on the official Rockstar Twitch channel have included an all-racing competition as well as two MCs that were eager to prove their superiority on a large stage.actual_1411051879With a history of competition, the Malicious Intentt (MAIN) and Old School Punishers (HERO) Crews - both dedicated to all things racing - decided to take their friendly rivalry to the Rockstar Twitch stage. After HERO edged out MAIN in their own battle back in July, both Crews agreed to a rematch playing the same six Races (three created by each Crew). They agreed on lap count, non-contact, no traffic and the option to use custom vehicles. With that, we were off. Starting with MAIN Leader PlamenVT's Bike Race "Curves Circuit", it was actually two HEROs (saintedgryphon1 and IRISHMAN311) that took the early lead. MAIN racing phenom hashstone89 wound up taking and holding onto the lead, followed by Crewmate ---Lio--- and HERO's timelesssalmon. Because HERO had such a big pack in the middle, MAIN was up by a mere point with five races to go. With HERO up 92-86 just one race to go - "Summit" by HERO Co-Commissioner (and Skype guest) Bekjenet - it was anyone's game. HERO's kdemarcus, who had been racing strong all afternoon, took an early lead while hashstone89 and timelesssalmon battled hard for much of the time for second. kdemarcus held first to win it followed by Bekjenet. HERO wound up winning (again) but it was an exceptional matchup all the way through. Additional thanks to MAIN Co-Commissioner _BobMendez who, despite having Internet struggles that made him unable to play, wound up joining us on Skype from his van as well as a Crewmate's house - dedication!actual_1411051979The Motorcycle Club Battle we hosted between the Warlocks MC (WFFW) Crew and the Outlaws National Org (OFFO) was slightly less cordial. From almost the moment the Live button went on, WFFW Leader JJKoshane and OFFO's HassaNostra engaged in some intense trash talking via Skype. But it takes more than a silver tongue and some sass to win a Crew vs Crew battle; the superior squad would be decided over a combination of six Races, Deathmatches and Captures. Helped by a first and second place finish by Southernn_Outlaw and CriticalAcclaimX in the Bike Race "Power Trip", the Warlocks took an early lead. Though OFFO's XI-DESPERADO-IX had the most amount of kills in the Deathmatch "Vespucci Shoreline", WFFW gelled a little more as a team and thus widening the gap a bit. The Outlaws stepped it up tremendously over the last couple of Jobs but it just wasn't enough and the Warlocks won 329-312.We're always on the lookout for competitive Crews to feature on Twitch, so if you're ready to throw down, hit us up at and send us a link to your Crew page, let us know your preferred platform and any particular Crew you want to battle, plus why you think your Crew would kill it on the Rockstar stream.CREWS ON FILMWe’ll leave you with just a couple of really standout Crew-made videos that are definitely worth checking out.For those of who you live life a quarter mile at a time, you'll want to watch the Cemetery Rust Games (RUST) Crew's near-perfect reenactment of the final scene of the original The Fast and Furious, interspersed with actual scenes from the film. Excellent work, RUST.Taking inspiration from in-game loading screens, artist and The Damned Brotherhood (DAMN) member AdLib_WF made this slick video dedicated to her Crew. Not only is the original character art that they made for themselves exquisite, but the video also features the original theme music of fellow Crew Lieutenant TheIllaDopest. You can check more about this very active Crew on their official website and also see AdLib_WF's illustration work in our most recent fan pictorial here at the Newswire too. Previously:Crew Cut: A Crew that Hand-Delivers IRL License Plates, Plus F.C.-Themed Squads and MoreCrew Cut: Camera Clubs, Creator Collaborators and the Latest Crew VS Crew BattlesCrew Cut: Current Grassroots Events, Official Live Battle Scores and More
