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Thread: CAG 2 Full Straight Years At #1 On Top100

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    CAG CheechDogg's Avatar
    Rep Points: 670958
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    Local Date
    March 13th, 2025
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    01:49 PM
    Riverside California
    Leader and Founder of CAG

    CAG 2 Full Straight Years At #1 On Top100

    As most of you know by now, on October 31st CAG will have been voted #1 on for 2 straight years something that no other clan on top100clans has ever done before.

    Throughout the years since we joined top100, we have developed some good relationships and some very bad ones with other clans. Most of our recruits "do" come from top100 so it is a pretty valuable resource for us.

    This might be the last month that we even use top100 though, while it has helped us out quite a bit it has also hurt us as well. Most of the recruits that "do" come via top100 are players who most of us consider "clan hoppers" and are not very loyal. They apply to join a clan and the minute they see something they don't like instead of being mature about it they talk shit or blast you on top100 for everyone to see.

    I would like everyone's input on this, should we continue to stay on top100 or should we cut ties with the site?

    Regardless of what we decide to do, being voted #1 for 2 straight years is a pretty awesome thing to do and while other clans who are on top100 say that it means nothing we all know it must mean something for them to be bitching about us being at #1 for this long ....

    So thank you all who have voted for us every single day to keep us at #1, this is not an easy thing to do and if it was there would be other clans who would be right there with us every single month and we always blow the next clan out of the water in votes! .... WAY TO KICK ASS CAG !!!!!
    cag clan cheechdogg

    CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
    Experience: 289,637,826
    Next Level: 305,690,101

  2. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG CheechDogg For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (October 6th, 2014),bluedevil80 (October 6th, 2014),Buzzard (October 6th, 2014),CAG Covieleader (October 27th, 2014),HG867 (October 5th, 2014),RainyDaiz (October 27th, 2014),Thrixo (March 30th, 2015)

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