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Thread: Bf4 Big Patch Today!!

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    HG867's Avatar
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    Bf4 Big Patch Today!!

    We are playing a new game if all goes well. The patch is happening as I type this and I'm stoked.
    There is so much being tweaked and changed it's quite exciting but yet sad at the same time. If this patch happened way earlier or the game started in this state the bf4 community could have been rekindled.
    Here are the patch notes.
    Make sure to include your thoughts in the comments, I am curious on what you guys think, especially after reading the patch. Things like:
    What's your favorite thing that caught your eye?
    Did your favorite play style get changed?
    Favorite weapon nerfed?

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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by link above
    The long-awaited September patch for Battlefield 4 has started rolling out on PC, with consoles following later today.

    The patch is now live on Origin for the PC version of the game, it’s around 1.16gb in size, and Battlelog is undergoing maintenance to prepare for roll-out.

    We’ve got the roll-out times for PS4, PS3 and Xbox One below, click link to see it in your local time.

    PlayStation 4 – 11:30AM CEST, 2:30AM PDT, 10:30AM UK
    PlayStation 3 – 1PM CEST, 4AM PDT, 12PM UK
    Xbox One – 4PM CEST, 7AM PDT, 3PM UK
    The full patch notes have been posted to the Battlelog forums, and we’ve added them below.

    The following apply to all platforms, with PC and PS3-specific fixes posted at the end of the list.


    Fix for a crash that could occur when entering a vehicle or using a gadget
    Improved soldier movement to closely match that of Battlefield 3 while still maintaining animation fidelity of Battlefield 4
    Fix for an issue on the Siege of Shanghai where players could make themselves invincible near Flag A
    Added pre-round ready state. The minimum player’s ready per team needed for the round to start is calculated from the team with less players
    Crosshairs/Optics scale tweaked and visibility against light backgrounds improved
    Helicopters and jets now affect trees and bushes which are set up to react to wind
    Various collision fixes and other performance improvements have been made to Dragon’s Teeth maps
    Uniform soldier aiming allows the use of procedural aim rate instead of the original preset numbers
    Fix for elevators on Dawnbreaker being active on the Domination, Squad Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch and Defuse game modes
    High latency indicator tweaked to give players a better idea of when they are experiencing lag
    Fixed a rare issue where a second Commander would spawn over the already existing one in a certain scenario, resulting in 2 Commanders on the same team
    Fixed the missing kill card issue for hardcore and anytime the killcam is off
    Increased the Chain Link game mode round timer to 30 minutes. Ticket bleed rate has also been changed to be 40% slower
    Fixed an issue where a player trying to join a full server would get an incorrect error
    Added “Classic” Server presets
    Increased the gunship cooldown for Commander to 60 seconds
    Fixed an edge case where a Commander asset will never get “activated” for a team if the Commander is under a Proxy Attack
    Fixed a crash related to the Riot Shield
    The high frequency update is now on by default and cannot be turned off. It now also supports PlayStation 3/Xbox 360
    Reduced the time it takes to display the incoming damage indicator
    Fixed an issue where players joining Lancang Dam after the Levolution event didn’t hear the VO and alarm
    Fixed issue where Battle Pickups would sometimes get dropped immediately after picking them up. Also fixed a problem where Battle Pickups can’t be picked up when other soldiers are nearby
    Made 100 tickets the default Rush ticket value
    Fixed an issue where field upgrades would be lost when a player spawned into a vehicle
    Tweaked smoke effects. Smoke is now bigger, has higher density and lasts longer
    Fixed some materials that would react incorrectly to projectile collision
    Fixed an issue where squads would get bigger than the supported maximum of 5 players
    Fixed a bug where the Gamertag would not appear correctly in the emblem report screen
    Updated player icon to show a shield variant when using the 10% health reduction perk (showing for enemy players only)
    Fixed an issue where players could get underneath the ship at Objective “E” on Paracel Storm
    Reduced head flinching on soldiers
    Added functionality to be able to shoot when falling (not jumping)
    Fixed an exploit on Operation Locker
    Fixed an exploit near the US base on Metro 2014
    Fixed an issue on Dawnbreaker where players could get underneath the map
    Fixed an issue where players could get under the map on Hainan Resort on the beach near the US base. Also fixed an issue where players could hide behind a wall and shoot at other players
    Fixed an issue where the health/ammo boxes would block the line of sight for the defibrillators
    Permanent fix for gadget exploit where a user could equip gadgets from different classes
    Fixed an instance where unlocked China Rising or Second Assault assignments were being shown as if they were not unlocked and no progress had been done
    Adjusted the red dot reticles for medium and long range sights for the Engineer Class primary weapons
    Visual Recoil: Close range sights (except iron sights, IRNV and FLIR) and all Medium range sights have been changed to no longer be affected by animation AKA Visual Recoil. The removed random effect has nothing to do with real weapon recoil and doesn’t affect it
    Vehicle hold or press button for boost option added
    Added UI options for tweaking the ADS aiming sensitivity. The advanced options are now exposed in a separate advanced control options section
    Fixed a Commander issue that could cause the cruise missile not to work properly if a flag received a neutral status while the missile was in the air
    Fix for an issue where opposite teams would initially spawn too close to each other on Team Deathmatch, affecting all maps
    Obliteration fix for an issue where the round would end while the bomb is armed due to the timer running out
    Flashbang now dims the HUD when player gets affected by it
    Fixed an issue on Capture the Flag game mode where the team with the highest number of points wins regardless of flag captures (points should only be counted on a draw)
    Fixed for an issue on Lumphini Garden on Conquest Large game mode where Capturing Flag B while the Commander is under a Proxy Attack will not give the infantry scan asset
    Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the customization menu while playing Defuse
    Fixed LMG iron sights fires to reflect last few bullets visibility
    Carrier Assault Improvements

    When the carrier is opened up the parachute spawn will be available as before
    When the first crate is destroyed the defender team is moved back into the boat but the attackers still will only be using the parachute spawn
    Dragon’s Teeth Map Improvements

    General collision fixes
    Glitches/Exploit fixes for high places
    Added out of bounds for rooftops to support restricted areas and prevent exploits
    Jet Improvements

    Fixed an issue related to the chase camera that could cause a glitchy orientation when the camera was targeted straight up or down
    Added new positions for 3P jet cameras
    Added weapon reticle to the 3P jet camera
    Added an option to turn on/off the rolling (along with the jet) for jet 3P cameras
    Fixed an issue with the SU50 and F35 not properly playing bullet impact sounds when under fire
    Jet guns visual recoil has been reduced to 30% of what it was before
    Improved the “stall” behavior of jets when reaching max vehicle height
    Fixed issues where attack jets’ cockpit geometry was clipping/obstructing the HUD
    Weapon Tweaks and Fixes

    Fixed an issue with inaccuracy on the RPG and XM-25 where if after shooting a player very quickly it switches to another weapon then switches back, then the dispersion is large until after the first shot
    General weapon tweaks: Reduced suppression recoils. Removed recoil modifier for zoom. Made a 75% reduction in hip recoil
    Muzzle Brake: Lowered the overall impact of this attach. Both its positives and negatives have been reduced
    Heavy Barrel: Lowered the buff it gave to minimum moving spread, and moved some of that bonus into reduced spread increase. The Heavy Barrel should now be a good option for longer range tap firing
    Lasers: Added a small buff to standing hip fire accuracy
    Corrected spread increase values that were previously incorrect. (This primarily affects expansion pack weapons)
    Added missing bullpup modifier to SAR-21
    Bullet velocity increases: Improved bullet velocity for Slugs and nearly all suppressed weapons. Selectively improved base velocity for weapons that were too slow for their intended range
    Damage model: Many weapons have had their maximum and minimum damage adjusted slightly. It may take one extra bullet to kill at extremely close engagements and long range combat
    Trigger Delay: Removed from all revolvers
    Desert Eagle: Bullet velocity and minimum damage reduced
    Adjustments have been done to slower rate of fire weapons to make them easier to use at longer ranges vs higher rate of fire weapons
    Carbines and PDWs now have unique bullpup modifiers that give improved bonuses over the rifle counterpart
    Ammo: Gave more ammo to the weapons that were short a mag compared to their counterparts
    PDWs: Improved moving minimum spread
    LMGs: Improved moving spread of mag fed LMGs vs their belt fed counterparts
    DMRs: Audio when being shot at by a DMR has been improved
    SKS and M39EMR no longer allow you to hold breath
    Bullet velocities increased
    Bolt Actions: Some bullet velocities increased. Gol Magnum rate of fire slightly reduced
    SMAW: Slight increase to top speed and acceleration
    MBT LAW: This underwent a big change based on community suggestion. You will need to aim slightly more accurately to engage the tracking. It is much harder to have it track a random vehicle between you and your target. It will no longer lock on targets behind cover. It has been slowed down slightly. It now begins tracking at 100m instead of 15, this gives the target slightly longer to react to the lock warning
    SLAMs: Damage and blast radius reduced slightly. Three Slams will no longer take out a MBT on their own. The disabled MBT will need a single rocket to be finished off
    Animation Bug Fixes and Improvements

    All pistols: Removed randomization of iron sights fire animation on most pistols per CTE feedback
    All automatic pistols: Shortened duration of slide animation during firing animations to prevent slide appearing to not cycle when firing quickly
    Automatic rifles: Fixed missing trigger pull animations
    Unica 6: Fixed hammer getting stuck on iron sights fire animation. Shortened reload threshold so magazine registers as full, faster
    CS5: Fixed magazine going invisible if reload is interrupted. Fixed problem where bolt action animation wouldn’t play when firing near the end of the tactical reload animation
    G36C: Fixed charging handle position during full/tactical reload
    CZ-805: Fixed charging handle position during full/tactical reload
    AWS: Enabled semi-automatic fire
    XM25: Fixed fire animation; including reciprocating charging handle
    Bulldog: Fixed problem with tiered reload
    M60E4: Adjusted reload interrupt branches to match other LMGs; ammo box now stays mounted on interrupt
    L96A1: Added missing interruptible reload branches
    JNG90: Adjusted reload threshold to prevent bypassing re-chamber animation at the end of empty reload
    SR338: Fixed bug where fire animation could be skipped by firing at a certain cadence. Raised reload threshold
    L85A2: Adjusted foregrip position so Angled Grip attachment doesn’t clip through the trigger guard; fixed reload animation bug that could cause accessories to shift on the weapon during animation
    RPK-74M: Reduced both reload times by .3 seconds to better match animation
    HK45C: Removed hammer position mismatch between idle and ADS
    ACW-R: Reduced time to register reload
    QBU-88: Fixed clipping issue in deploy animation
    SR2: Added reciprocating bolt fire animation
    SR2: Fixed missing bolt on empty reload animation, fixed sprint pose clipping issue in water
    870: Fixed blending issue after zoom fire/pump action animation
    870: Fixed blending issue after zoom fire/pump action animation
    RFB: Removed extra shell that moved when firing with a bipod and iron sights
    MK 11 MOD 0: Opened dust cover to prevent jamming. Removed incorrect rotation during bipod fire animation
    All DMRs, M82A3 Battle Pickups: Fixed bipod fire issue that skipped fire animation at higher rates of fire
    M412 Rex, .44 Magnum: Adjusted fire animations for new trigger delay values, corrected trigger discipline while running
    All belt-fed LMGs: Added “last few rounds” ammo visibility system to ADS fire animations
    AWS: Fixed foregrip position to be on-rail in 1st person
    First grenade balance pass

    Reduced initial capacity of RGO and v40 Minis by one
    Reduced blast radius of RGO and v40 Minis requiring more accuracy for full damage
    Increased the time it takes to refill explosives from ammo sources
    These changes are an indirect buff to the Offensive and Grenadier specialization
    Reduced RGO capacity 2->1
    Reduced RGO inner blast radius 1.65->1
    Reduced v40 capacity 3->2
    Reduced v40 blast radius 7->6
    Reduced v40 inner blast radius 2.5->1
    ncreased ammo bag pickup time for grenades
    UI Tweaks and Fixes

    Added advanced options for adjusting HUD icons
    HUD icons transparency support
    Aim down the sight (ADS) now causes auto transparency for HUD icons
    Added a new option for whether tapping spot button should give attack/defense orders
    Game mode bar on top of the mini map now also display objective squad order status
    Fixed issue with having space between the mini map and the Team Deathmatch game mode info bar
    Fixed the minimap world directions not showing in the Chinese version of the game
    Added advanced gameplay options sliders to control the transparency of the HUD elements
    Adjusted the red dot reticles for medium and long range sights for the Engineer Class primary weapons
    Added an advanced gameplay option to change the size of the minimap
    Added an advanced gameplay option to make the minimap icons auto size along with the minimap scale-
    Added an advanced gameplay option to set the default minimap scale
    Revive Improvements

    Revive timer has been added. It will show timers on teammates so that the player can choose who to revive
    Added a sound when defibrillators are 100% charged (giving the revived player 100% health back)
    Fix for an issue that could cause the HUD to disappear when the player brought up the game menu while in a revive state
    Added initial implementation of revive timers for soldiers in man down state. It will now show timers on a teammate so that the player can choose who to revive
    Fix for a bug when you were able to revive teammates by only rubbing the defibrillators
    Fix for issue that would sometimes occur when two players on a team equipped defibrillators at the same time next to each other and are about to revive another team player, the player who is reviving gets no score and the other player gets score instead
    Rush Game Mode Improvements

    Removed Commander mode from Rush. New layouts and rule sets implemented on Flood Zone Golmud Railway, Hainan Resort, Lancang Dam, Operation Locker, Paracel Storm, Rogue Transmission, Siege of Shanghai, Zavod 311.

    Obliteration Competitive Improvements

    Reduced radar sweep on home bases to 40 meters
    Bomb does not have to be planted in a sequence anymore
    Reduced the time it takes to plant a bomb from 10 to 8 seconds
    Raised Obliteration Bomb icon over the bomb carrier’s head
    Reduced the combat area on Operation Locker based on player feedback
    Reduced the combat area on Golmund Railway and tweaked the spawn points
    Fixed bomb out of bounds on Golmund Railway
    Blocked pipe access to rooftops on Zavod 311
    Reduced the combat area on Zavod 311
    Platform Specific Fixes


    Fix for a game crash
    Added FOV slider (option) for the chase cameras of all vehicles
    Fix for an issue where Users where unable to rebind gadgets to slot 1
    Fixed an issue where the chat log settings wouldn’t properly function after a player exited the game
    Tweaked latency indicator
    Better post-processing for medium graphics settings
    Fix for when the text input form clears when switching between EOR camera and scoreboard. The text now remains in place regardless of the game actions
    Added an option to turn off the jets auto throttle feature

    Fix for a game crash
    Fix for a crash that could occur during the end of round screen
    Server Fixs

    Fixed an issue where taking damage indicators (the red wedge) where pointing in the wrong direction
    Lowered frame history time on all platforms to improve on ‘out of region’ player issues

    I totally agree, man.

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
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  4. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (September 30th, 2014),HG867 (September 30th, 2014)

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    HG867's Avatar
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    Thanks for posting that. It should make it easier instead of a link.

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
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    MERZiN8 (September 30th, 2014)

  7. #4
    Kujeaux's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    You weren't joking about "Big"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kujeaux View Post
    You weren't joking about "Big"
    Yes, there is a lot of stuff! but the patch itself I think is about 1.5 gigs.

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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Yes on both, I wasn't clear ... I was referring to the content. So many things that we knew needed fixing for months and all of a sudden a deluge of those fixes.

    I bet I'll still not be able to see clan tags

    [After doing my monthly search for an answer to this problem, I finally see a suggestion about setting the Xbox privacy settings to Adult, rather than Custom. Will have to try when I get home. I find it hard to believe that DICE would block the clan tag for a setting like that but who would be surprised at this point]
    Last edited by Kujeaux; September 30th, 2014 at 09:59 AM.

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  11. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Kujeaux For This Fucking Post:

    HG867 (September 30th, 2014),MERZiN8 (September 30th, 2014),pisspawz (September 30th, 2014)

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    Quote Originally Posted by HG867 View Post
    Yes, there is a lot of stuff! but the patch itself I think is about 1.5 gigs.
    hit me up tonight bud im fixin to try this shit out.

    i heard netcode is a bit off but haven't got to play yet, just got home.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    hit me up tonight bud im fixin to try this shit out.

    i heard netcode is a bit off but haven't got to play yet, just got home.
    I'll try man.
    I have an business ethics exam tomorrow and I'm not gonna lie I don't know anything about it because my professor canceled class 5 times.

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    BlameItOnGod13 (September 30th, 2014)

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    thats some bullshit i'd tell them i'm not payin for this class if i don't end up ever having it. man thats gotta be frustrating as fuck but its all good man if you can you can if you cant you cant.

    EDIT - waiting for this to finish downloading makes me want to punch babies.

    EDIT 2 - when it says "GAME IS READY!" on the home screen, you still have to wait.

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    pisspawz (September 30th, 2014)

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    I just did the update an played a couple rounds and I must say I don't like the marker on enemy's it too small can hardly see it but other than that it seems ok to me they fixed the game noise when first jumping in an vehicle it seems a lot smother

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  19. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to pisspawz For This Fucking Post:

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