Hey guys, this is what I would like from you guys/girls when posting about your goals.
If it is changing your physical attributes or wanting to accomplish something as small as ten pull-ups to something as big as benching 225 ten times I would like it listed in said order so it is easier for me to find the person and track goals.
1. Each member please make your own thread
2. List height, weight, age, physical activity on a scale from 1(once every now and then) to 10 (hardcore gym rat)
3. List goals on which you want to obtain (make new thread for different goals)
4. GIVE YOURSELF A REASONABLE TIME FRAME!! (It takes discipline and hard work) which is something we both know you must have to be in CAG.
5. List any and all exercises you do already (be honest bc you are only cheating yourself)
Thank you and I hope to see the improvements you strive for, remember it is just you against gravity... When it tries to pull you down, Lift it up!
Gym Freak