Slapped GrasslandShield with a box of joe from dunkin donuts
With precision and deadliness;
CAG ShadowSnypr
Discuss anything from suggestions, ideas here. No holds barred in this forum, beware and you have been warned!
Slapped ShadowSnypr with a snickerdoodle latte
Sent from my Stonehaven using Tapatalk
My kung fu is better than your kung fu....wwwaaaattttaaa!!
My kung fu is better than your kung fu....wwwaaaattttaaa!!
CAG ShadowSnypr (December 24th, 2014)
CAG ShadowSnypr (December 24th, 2014)
Slaps cheech a 1 year old thread
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Slaps Cheech with a beer can
CAG Randuken
Major General
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