After doing some research into the vault of glass I feel I know a bit more about this raid.
First: It is NOT a limited time event it is part of the game like all the other missions. So don't worry we have time to grind out gear and weapons before we attempt this challenge.
Second: It will take hours to complete likely 2-3 hours or longer. From what I have read there is 6 bosses that we need to defeat.
Third: So who ever is the fire team leader that player is the one who the progress will save to. Meaning if we play an hour or so and need a break we can do so but to start from where we left off we need the same fire team leader.
Fourth: It is difficult. Legendary gear is HIGHLY recommended. The creatures are level 26 higher then most players are. ( and from personal experience dealing with level 26 creatures it takes a lot of bullets to take them down.
Fifth: use the ammo refills you can buy from the gun shop. They instantly refill your normal, special, or heavy ammo I have a feeling these will be very helpful for the teams by keeping our heavy ammo always at the ready because we never know what kind of shit show we might get into.
Sixth: A well Balanced team. If we try to attempt this lets try to balance the team and our sub-classes. Meaning lets not have 4 titans all running striker and 1 hunter and warlock. Lets try our best to balance it as much as we can.
Seventh: Progress gets reset weekly. Game reset is 9 am gmt 5 am est 4 am cst and 2 am pst Weekly reset is Tuesday at 9 am gmt 5 am est 4 am cst and 2 am pst.
As I have stated above legendary gear is highly recommended. With that here's a few ideas that may work to get these items.
1) level up to level 2 in the vanguard and any crucible factions.
--Vanguard: to level up within the vanguard who have several options
1) complete your daily bounties
2)Patrol missions
3)Strike playlist ( each level of difficulty gives a set amount of rep )
4)Daily and weekly heroics.
2) to level up within the crucible and the factions try these out.
1) Play any crucible game mode
2)buy a class item from a faction. When worn any rep you earn is put towards said faction. ( even vanguard bounty rep and strike mission rep. )
3) do your daily bounties.
3) Engrams: Engrams are rare drops from creatures within the game and rewards from missions, strike missions and the crucible. There are a few good farming methods out there to get engrams so check on youtube for them as there are to many to post about.
4) rewards: as I have stated above just like engrams, weapons and gear are rewards from missions, engrams, crucible, and strike missions.
5) The agent of nine. Every Friday and Saturday The agent of nine visits the tower and he brings exotic equipment. You need strange coins to purchase items from him and I know of only 3 ways to earn these. Rewards from missions, crucible, and strike missions. Engrams. And weekly heroic strike missions.
I hope this helps everyone out who wants to conquer this raid. If anyone wants help doing strike missions and grinding out for gear I am more then willing to help as I need to do so also.
Good luck everyone.