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Thread: the Interrogation Room - CAG Lordhavok

CAG's MERZiN8 sits down with current clan members and asks them questions, find out what those questions are and how they are answered !

  1. #1
    MERZiN8's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    the Interrogation Room - CAG Lordhavok


    Good Morning Folks! This morning, our guest comes all the way from the North Pole in Alaska. I would like to welcome CAG LordHavok to the Interrogation Room. He is here to share what keeps the chills away and the gaming at full throttle!

    • First Name: Nicholas Mayrand
    • Age: 22
    • Location: North Pole, Alaska
    • Occupation: Pimp daddy
    • Pets & Names: dogs - Cerberus(wiener) and Babygirl(mini germanshepard)
    • Kids, Spouse: Nevin(son) Chelsea(fiancee)
    • Online Game Tag names: Xbox Live -CAG LordHavok

    Nevin & Nicholas

    -What is your rank/placement within CAG?
    I am the all father......I'm actually PFC within Whiskey Company/1st Platoon/Alpha squad, i am a rifleman who's a badass medic

    -How did you come up with your username?
    Pretty into medieval titles and Havok is a company i saw on quite a few games i fell in love with mostly Oblivion. Also how fuckin original is that!

    -If you had to choose a gaming Genre, such as Sports, RPG’s, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS’s, etc. what would you say would be your first pick?
    RPG, love em, rape em, own em, also really into survival games.FPS is just kinda whats my cool down, except when i got CAG brothers who need a medic of course!!!

    -What consoles do you game on?
    360(offline) and Xbox One. Because that is where everyone should be!!

    -What’s your favorite snack and drink while pulling a gaming all night Marathon?
    I usually cook n prep food before I game so I can eat real food. Drink wise is caffeine and water, even though it makes me piss every 15 min still a great thing.

    -What’s your most memorable moment in a game?
    When I got into my first fight on Shining Force for Sega, I was 5 and completely clueless what to do, but I won after all my guys died except one, I remember the rush I got from watching to see if I would deal enough damage to kill the enemy and BOOM!, he died, after that I was hooked to all games. Eventually defined into what I play now. Best video game moment of my life.

    -If you could transport yourself into any game what game which game would you go into?
    Any of the Elder Scrolls games. As long as I'm in Tamriel and a wood elf, LOL, with a bow of course. I'd just roam all over and hunt n live off the land, go see the sights and learn all these different things.

    -What game do you think you have invested the most time in, and how many days, months, do you think you have invested?
    Diablo 2, I've put at least a years worth of time into it, i played it for 8 years almost everyday and could never stop playing. I can still be found playing it like a guilty dog LOL. Awesome series until the new 3 came out and butchered it

    -If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
    Post-apocalyptic zombie outbreak, you type in your address(or one you choose) and start from there, game would be an exact replica of the world and alter to match a disaster, you'd have to survive and maybe even regrow. Would be real, containing hunger, disease, mental health and of course items, no finding a can of beans on a skeleton here. If you dont think a game like that would be awesome than u sir, need to rethink your shit and remember it stinks....cause its real!!!

    -What makes a great next gen game great? What makes ANY game from any generation great?
    No game is great to everyone, we are all different, so no one game can be great all around, i play most games and if I don't like it i don't play it, if it doesn't seem like it'll be enjoyable I don't buy it.

    -If you can be ANY game character from ANY console who would you be and why?
    Steve from Minecraft, the world is yours to build and only your friends come to your world, plus who wouldn't wanna live off the land 100%, would soothe a person so much they'd lose their mind.

    -How old can you remember back was your first gaming experience and what game was it?
    3 years old, my parents let me try out my uncle's Sega and he had very "BAD" games, so I could only play Sonic, which I acted like I was going to do bit instead put in Mortal Kombat. First game in my life and it was terrible, ended up playing Sonic about 20 minutes later. LOL.

    -What is your all time favorite weapon in a game to use?
    AK47 or variants, I've always had an obsession with it and its reflected in alot of games, if not that than any bolt action or burst, always iron sights also. This is for single player only.

    -What’s your most anticipated upcoming game and why?
    Elder Scrolls Online for the Xbox One. Because I wanna be able to continue to say I've raped every elder scrolls games made involving Bethesda.

    -What is your favorite game of all time?
    Well, at this point in time it is.........hmmmm........Diablo 1, in my opinion its the godfather to shoot 'n loots, RPGs like games, its what opened that door for me and I'm sure for many many many others

    -Favorite Movie you recently just watched?
    Gremlins, best part is the flasher gremlin in the bar. Cutest is when gizmo acts like he's racing a car while sitting in bed watch cars race

    -Favorite Music/Band/Artist?
    Led Zeppelin and Iron Maiden, these two helped me through life itself, plus they rock fuckin hell!

    -What is the most recent song that you sang out when driving in the car?

    -What’s your favorite sports to watch? And who is your favorite team, and your favorite player?
    Football/Seattle Seahawks and New England Patriots - no favorite players. Seahawks because I live in Alaska and patriots because my family is from New England and I really really really hate Peyton Manning.

    -Besides, gaming what else do you enjoy doing?
    Hunting, Bangin' my fiancee, helping my son with Minecraft and working on cars

    The following questions are from your fellow CAG Doggs, answer if you dare, and yes we want all the details...

    -If you were in the "Miss America" talent competition, what would your talent be?
    Choppin' wood

    -Tits, ass, or Legs man?
    Ass!!!, must have nice ass for me to jiggle and slap, seriously though, if a girls got a nice ass I'm pretty much humpin' a leg.

    -Boxers, briefs or Commando?
    Boxer briefs made of mostly spandex to keep my peter from moving like a dead chicken's head.

    -You've just been hired to a promotions position at Kellog Co. What would you put in a new breakfast cereal box as a gimmick?
    Condoms. Because everyone needs a nice rubber

    - If you owned a CB radio what would your "handle" be?
    Big man Stan

    -If you were to get a tattoo on your face, what would it say or what would the graphic be?
    Probably a very close replica of my penis, cause why not.

    -CAG CheechDogg asks "If you were leader of CAG, what would you change?"
    I would be stricter about forum activity and to stomp on people starting drama very quickly, by mostly removing the person who causes the problem, we are family here not a group of people you can abuse and feel fine to do so to.

    -What is your favorite quote?
    "Want in one hand and shit in the other, which one fills up first?"

    -Anything else you’d like to tell us, especially after all you just shared?
    Glad I found this clan, I have many brothers and some very close friends. Lambda, Archangel, GYM, Rainy, and Merz are without a doubt true and awesome friends that I'm glad to have, I have many more, these are just the crazy bastards who put up with me quite a bit. Thank you for reading now get bk to your damn games!! O ya and posts!!!, Fuck!!!, Don't forget family first!!

    Well, that wraps it up for this week's edition of the Interrogation Room. I would like to thank Nick for his time, and thank all of our readers. For those who have not seen it yet, there is now a directory for all the old articles of the Interrogation Room, where you can find information on other members who have taken the spotlight in this article. As always, I am looking for participants from all over CAG, but in order to get in, I need a PM from you stating as much. I am working on an award for past and future participants for this. I appreciate your time folks. Thanks again and have a great week.

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 10,695,543
    Next Level: 11,777,899

  2. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (September 17th, 2014),HG867 (September 18th, 2014),Lambda89 (September 17th, 2014)

  3. #2
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    Enjoyable reading!
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  4. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    MERZiN8 (September 16th, 2014)

  5. #3
    LordHavok's Avatar
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    This guy sounds like a total doucher, good read though

    CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
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  6. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to LordHavok For This Fucking Post:

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  7. #4
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    I like the part where he mentions that in other things he likes doing is banging his fiancee lol its funny that I got the same damn hobby.seems iv a lot in common with him😊
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  8. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    MERZiN8 (September 16th, 2014),pisspawz (September 16th, 2014)

  9. #5
    ScottyDntKnow's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Thats a great hobby.....
    very informative

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  10. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to ScottyDntKnow For This Fucking Post:

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  11. #6
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    *boner alert*

    Tapatalk approves this sexy beast and his post!
    If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep score?

    CAG Dogg Level: 45 [?]
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  12. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Jw Gym Freak For This Fucking Post:

    CAG JB (September 16th, 2014),MERZiN8 (September 16th, 2014)

  13. #7
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Your officially demoted for being a Patriots fan lol just kidding of course. Thanks for sharing Lordy

    CAG Randuken
    Major General

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  14. #8
    LordHavok's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Randuken View Post
    Your officially demoted for being a Patriots fan lol just kidding of course. Thanks for sharing Lordy

    CAG Randuken
    Major General
    If i was demoted id be so fucked, id be a recruit all over again

    CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
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  15. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to LordHavok For This Fucking Post:

    pisspawz (September 16th, 2014)

  16. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by CAG LordHavok View Post
    If i was demoted id be so fucked, id be a recruit all over again
    Sir, I need you to fill out an application so we can get you started on your marksman

    Tapatalk approves this sexy beast and his post!
    If winning isn't everything, then why do they keep score?

    CAG Dogg Level: 45 [?]
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  17. #10
    CAG Stud
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by Jw Gym Freak View Post
    Sir, I need you to fill out an application so we can get you started on your marksman

    Tapatalk approves this sexy beast and his post!
    Triple Tip Touch ?

    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
    Experience: 35,709,053
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  18. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    Jw Gym Freak (September 17th, 2014),Nesty (September 17th, 2014)

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