Hey guys this is a thread just to update all of you that are unaware.
As of 2 weeks(I think) ago my current console was xbox 360 now I currently reside in the next generation xbox 1.
For the first while I only owned titanfall which still has me hooked with its epic free running aspect and its spot on hit detection.
As of a few hrs ago I purchased a copy of next gen bf4 which I am looking forward to Experiencing the bigger scale games along side all of u.iv already installed the disc and downloaded ny premium so il be ready to go next time i get online.(if not tonight tomorrow night)
For you guys that don't have me on your friends lists feel free to add me up gt-johnbai84 and well for all u guys that do u all know the drill - see me online playing hit me up and we'll open some whoop ass in some public lobbies.