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BIG COUNTRY (September 16th, 2014)
I can play! :d
Looking to get a fireteam together for high level strikes and raids this Friday . I need to get more light armor so ill be grinding raids and strikes post up if your down . Level 21 and up please .
I'm a level 21 what time r we doing it Fri
We tried doing some raids tonight and found that everyone must be past level 22-24. we had a level 20 and 21 in the group and couldn't launch. Along with this brotal and I tried doing a level 26 strike mission and had trouble dealing damage on some creatures. All I can say is that this raid will be difficult and is going nowhere for awhile, best to try to grind out the best gear possible and on the bright side the agent of nine is back friday so we can get our hands on some really good gear...
BIG COUNTRY (September 17th, 2014)
Sitting a little away from level 25 . Thanks to the black hole !!
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