This was done in hardcore so it made it all that much easier, but hell yeah... i thought id share. I'm guessing my rocket made them all so weak, the mini just finished them off.
Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here
MoB Corleone352 (September 8th, 2014),pisspawz (September 8th, 2014)
Sick was that 6 ??
Lieutenant Colonel
European Brigade Commander
nunobomber (September 8th, 2014)
Fucking nasty!
nunobomber (September 8th, 2014)
nunobomber (September 8th, 2014)
That was bad ass
Battlefield brigade
- CAG pisspawz
- Brigade commander
nunobomber (September 8th, 2014)
That is y battlefield is fuckin amazing,
nunobomber (September 8th, 2014)
nunobomber (September 11th, 2014)
That was fucking amazing dude good job!
nunobomber (September 12th, 2014)
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