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Thread: Well I Screwed Up

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  1. #1
    CAG Stud
    Randuken's Avatar
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    March 25th, 2025
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Well I Screwed Up

    I got a confession to make,

    two years ago I left college (academic probation). I fucked up I really did, I don't know why I've allowed myself to do that. I was an idiot and ashamed to hide it but as I look at being a role model to my god kids, I told myself I have to do something. I've always told them Education is always important. So what would be the use telling that to the kids when I didn't do it, I held that on my shoulders for until this week.

    It was that time of year again, school started soon and here I was doing the same thing. I was gonna tell myself Yea I'll call the school days went by[ and then I passed thru the school. I told myself I can't changed the past but I can change the future by finishing school and showing my kids that education is important.

    One thing I'll take from CAG is the stories of never GIVING UP and RISING ABOVE the fears of failures. I won't quit until I hear my name called in Graduation. I'm glad I made the choice to go back to school and rise above the past.


    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
    Experience: 36,019,601
    Next Level: 41,283,177

  2. The Following 16 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (August 29th, 2014),CAG Destroyer (August 29th, 2014),CAG JB (August 29th, 2014),GypsyOutlaw (August 29th, 2014),HEADHUNTER1030 (August 30th, 2014),HG867 (August 29th, 2014),Jw Gym Freak (August 29th, 2014),Kujeaux (September 2nd, 2014),Lesbehonest (August 29th, 2014),MERZiN8 (August 29th, 2014),Nesty (August 29th, 2014),NuT jOb (August 30th, 2014),pisspawz (August 30th, 2014),RainyDaiz (September 1st, 2014),ScottyDntKnow (August 29th, 2014),xPARCHx (August 29th, 2014)

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