Yea hopefully but dont get your hopes up
This will be the forums for the new Call of Duty Ghosts to be released soon.
LordHavok (August 30th, 2014)
I never do my brother
In my personal opinion Ghosts is not going to die for at least a few more years but it wont be too long from now. The new games Destiny, Halo MC collection, Advanced Warfare will definitely bring a lot of players away from Ghosts but there will always be time to go back to play it so it will not completely die for a while yet. Me personally once the MC collection comes out every single game on the planet will be dead for a few months if not longer due to the fact that I will be playing it non stop in my free time. I will also be getting Destiny and Advanced warfare. I will not however be getting the new AC just cause I am getting bored with them. I am and have always been a Halo fanatic so whenever a new halo comes I dedicate my all my sparetime to it.
I think the people who actually like Ghosts are not going to like Advance Warfare . But to each his own I guess . Im shure Ghosts will have its fallowing like MW3 , WaW and the others did .
Lesbehonest (September 4th, 2014)
BluntTrauma (September 6th, 2014),pisspawz (September 12th, 2014)
pisspawz (September 12th, 2014)
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