I am surprised I havent come across this in these forums yet. This is one game I am definitely looking forward too. I was looking for Halo 2 Anniversary and hearing rumors about it being done and then we find out they did us one better and recreated every single one of them. That is so awesome! We will not have to wait years now until they come out with every single halo for the x1 we just have to wait a few months.

My hopes for this game is that they will have kept everything in it including all the glitches and easter eggs and definitely all of the multiplayer maps. When Halo CEA came out I was sooo bummed out that they only had put in 3 maps. I was looking forward to seeing all the origional multiplayer maps for that game. But I do hear rumors that they are putting in the maps and I hope that that it is true.

Another hope I have for this game is that it will be on all one disc and that it has a run through of a continuous campaign without having to change cd's to get to the next missions for the next games. I hope that it is able to just blend all together.

I have high hopes for this game and I look forward to seeing my CAG brothers on it and playing with you for hours on end when this game(s) come out.