No...its ok Reaper ....we are done with this discussion ... I can go on and on but I'm not ... this is a thread about how my "wetback" ass got across the border...a joke, an inside joke at that and lets just keep it that way ... breaks is doing a great job guys are doing a great job and we are just one big ass happy Family .... lol ...moving on ..."BRUHS" ....
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 289,391,251
Next Level: 305,690,101
Ok...I tried doing this in private with you something that I rarely do .... You obviously do not want to move on even after I gave you a friendly unofficial warning when I could of given you an infraction for not capitalizing CAG in a post , regardless of whether it was an error because of your phone or not I did not make it a big deal which is "why" I gave you a "friendly warning" !!!!
Below is what I sent you in private message ..I am now posting this here so "everyone" sees that I tried to "dissolve" "diffuse" and explained why this was done by breaks ...
Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode
Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg
I am giving you a warning and its unofficial ....
Below in yellow is why ... again another point as to why we do things the way we do and why breaks was asking that question ... if you don't like it let me know and we can go from there ...
Regardless of whether this is just an e-community to you , there are rules and a Code of Conduct here ... up to this point you haven't given me reasons to be a bit upset with you ... this warning is a friendly warning and again me asking you to please understand why we do things around here ... I am making some assumptions about you and I rather not ...but you are making it a bit difficult right now ...
A code of conduct is a set of rules outlining the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual or organization. Related concepts include ethical codes and honor codes. CAG has such a CoC that must be practiced by all members. CAG is a Friendly Gaming Community and we do have Children who are part of the Clan. We have many different backgrounds who are part of CAG as well. We "WILL NOT" tolerate offensive behavior from anyone. Racial and gay insults are serious offenses and will get you removed from the Clan without explanation. Please read the following as it is our Code of Conduct. Code of the CAG "Doggs" Clan
As a member of CAG, you have agreed and sworn to remain completely loyal to all your CAG Brothers when you applied to join us. Once you received confirmation on becoming an official "CAG Dogg", you agree to never remove the CAG Tag once awarded to you unless instructed to do so.
You agree to never display offensive, or insulting content in your profile, examples of such content include but are not limited to, Swastikas, references of racial discrimination, Homosexuality jokes in the forums purposely made to insult someones sexual orientation. These actions will not be tolerated and will result in an immediate removal from the Clan.
If caught without the CAG Tag or displaying one other than CAG, you will be immediately removed from the Clan
Treat the CAG Clan Tag with respect, when creating threads or posting comments use capital letters when using the clan tag in a comment or reply, this means "DON'T USE" (cag, Cag, CaG, CAg) or any other forms of the CAG acronym besides "C A G ". Disrespect of the CAG tag will result in an infraction the first time, 2nd time is a demotion, 3rd time removal from the clan!
Your obligations as a member of CAG are to always conduct yourself in a professional manner during any game. You are representing CAG whether with the Clan or by yourself, never dishonor your Brothers by displaying unprofessional and or unsportsmanlike behavior.
Never criticize or question your Superiors. If you have issues regarding any CAG Dogg, make proper use of the Chain of Command.
You agree to always try to attend all Clan events which include but are not limited to, practices, training sessions, weapon qualifications, website interaction using the forums and invites to games by other Doggs.
You agree to always play together with your Brothers, if you are in a current match with friends or family, you must reply "asap" to avoid a demerit point for a no show or no response.
You're giving me this warning because I'm not letting you talk down to me with out talking back. You and I both know this is a load of rubbish considering I was typing from my phone while at the dinner table and it was unavoidable and not something done in an attempt to disrespect the clan.
You're being childish. I'm done with this conversation. Wish you the best of luck "sir"
Notice where I said "Because if you really do read the forums and you yourself weren't or are not ignorant you would understand the reason behind the question and everything that is being done here in CAG..."
Yet instead of taking this as "constructive criticism" and asking whether you are or not and trying to see if you understood why we do things the way we do , you take it personal as me attacking you ....
Originally Posted by CAG Beastmode
Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg
Again, this is an unofficial warning between you and I can take it as you want ... I don't care for drama myself ... you can choose to take all this as rubbish or as how we do things around here ..I tried to dissolve the situation on the forums yet you your pride of "not letting people talk down on your" or what ever or how ever you feel about things is what precipitated from a simple post ....
Where are you from that trying to dissolve a situation constitutes calling someone ignorant and telling them if they don't like the way things are run this is not the clan for them in multiple different forms in the same message?
Where I come from dissolving a situation is taking a neutral stand point and asking both parties involved to take a step back and let it go.
You did none of the above. Instead you piled on to the situation and attacked me lol. So yea, I'm not letting it go - simply because that's not the type of man I am. If you want to attack me then be prepared to be attacked back. That's life. That's mans nature.
I just posted where I tried to dissolve the situation ..
Originally Posted by CAG CheechDogg
This post right here Beast shows ignorance on your part first of all ... why? Because if you really do read the forums and you yourself weren't or are not ignorant you would understand the reason behind the question and everything that is being done here in CAG...
I just posted a long reply detailing what we do here, yet "YOU" are the one who started the "don't get snippy with me" even before my posts about getting "snippy" over a simple test and evaluation to see if recruits and new members are paying attention ... this is our way of assessing the overall situation here in CAG....why do you think we are #1?...because we just sit around being cocky, "silly" or just act like your average clan?
Beastmode my Man need to relax and allow what breaks is trying to do here without you questioning his methods ... I have put a lot of pressure on breaks the last few weeks for things that are between him and I regarding the clan ... if you don't like it like I said you can look for another clan ..but don't question Me and my Officers and then make comments that a simple "inside joke" which to you might not be something serious is "silly" ... you were in the military right? Is it silly now when your Drill Instructors got all over your ass for scratching your face or not having your service cap on? I am willing to bet that them instilling that much discipline in you probably saved your life during battle if you saw it ... right?
So "please" allow my guys to do what they are being asked for ... I have nothing bad to say about you and I don't want to have anything bad to say about you ever .... So again, I am asking "please" allow my guys to do their "jobs" ... deal?
So now I am giving you an official verbal warning on the forums ... you said you wanted to move move on ...
This thread is about a topic much different than what you continue to argue about ... You obviously think this is silly...we explained to you why it is not ..yet you continued and felt attacked and piled on by me and breaks and maybe others ... Let go of that pride of yours ...I did and I even asked you to "please" allow my guys to do what they need to do ... you don't have to like it ...and if you don't like it don't participate in the discussion ...learn to either tolerate or avoid confrontations ...
So this is a warning, an official warning .... stay on topic ... if you continue to interfere with the purpose of this thread you will get another warning .. your 3rd warning will lead to a permanent ban from these forums and removal form the clan ...
Have a good evening ....
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 289,391,251
Next Level: 305,690,101
2nd infraction/warning is a demotion .... congratulations you got your demotion ....
Well thank goodness I didn't send my donation in yet. At this rate I'll be kicked out of the clan before the nights over.
You want me to drop it but yet you keep brining it up. I hadn't said a word since your "We're all a big happy family here" post and then I login to see you continuing and then devoting me for any response I make.
It is what it is I spose thanks anyways
CAG Dogg Level: 48 [?]
Experience: 7,354,823
Next Level: 8,476,240
I didn't ask you for a donation ... if you donate that is your choice not a requirement ... I sent you the last private message warning you to stop the bs in this thread didn't you got your 2nd warning ... one more and you "will" be removed from the clan and banned from the website ....
CAG Dogg Level: 72 [?]
Experience: 289,391,251
Next Level: 305,690,101
What my Fellow Kilo member might have been wrong yea maybe he spelled the CAG wrong how many times has somebody done that multiple times since i have been here. I have seen it done by one person multiple times and nothing was done about it. If this was a HUGE!!! inside joke why does not matter? Nobody is going to go snooping around and post somewhere if that certain topic does not relate to him/her that makes no sense. I could care less how you crossed the border its not my place or my responsibility to keep track about your life. All i know is your the leader of clan that is all i need to know. So making this a mandatory for new members to know the right answer is complete bullshit in my opinion because nobody needs to know how whether its a joke or not. All they need to do is post in topics that relate to them and mean something to them like if you are apart of Kilo there is no reason to go post in Whiskey just like Whiskey really does not to be posting in Kilo section its as simple as that. The other forums are there for a reason and that is for everyone to post in. Now like i said before just because somebody is defending themselves with multiple people ganging up on him is not the CAG way nor the Code of the Conduct!!. I would have responded in the same way probably in more of a brute manner and would not have gotten warnings now that is my opinion on it. If this is only an inside joke why is gods name was this made a requirement? Why has it gone on this long and let them 2 argue it out that long? why did no other higher up take initiative to just stop this bullshit and just close this forum? i mean there are multiple questions to be asked and answered.
CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
Experience: 1,623,493
Next Level: 1,757,916
What my Fellow Kilo member might have been wrong yea maybe he spelled the CAG wrong how many times has somebody done that multiple times since i have been here. I have seen it done by one person multiple times and nothing was done about it. If this was a HUGE!!! inside joke why does not matter? Nobody is going to go snooping around and post somewhere if that certain topic does not relate to him/her that makes no sense. I could care less how you crossed the border its not my place or my responsibility to keep track about your life. All i know is your the leader of clan that is all i need to know. So making this a mandatory for new members to know the right answer is complete bullshit in my opinion because nobody needs to know how whether its a joke or not. All they need to do is post in topics that relate to them and mean something to them like if you are apart of Kilo there is no reason to go post in Whiskey just like Whiskey really does not to be posting in Kilo section its as simple as that. The other forums are there for a reason and that is for everyone to post in. Now like i said before just because somebody is defending themselves with multiple people ganging up on him is not the CAG way nor the Code of the Conduct!!. I would have responded in the same way probably in more of a brute manner and would not have gotten warnings now that is my opinion on it. If this is only an inside joke why is gods name was this made a requirement? Why has it gone on this long and let them 2 argue it out that long? why did no other higher up take initiative to just stop this bullshit and just close this forum? i mean there are multiple questions to be asked and answered.
Not to add fuel to the fire here but when it comes to these forums iv been around them for well over a year now and I consider them a wealth of knowledge no matter what forum I am reading in.
I cant honestly say I read every single thread as I think that would be almost impossible due to the amount of information but myself being from whiskey company I read whiskeys forums,sports forums,kilos forums basically I read nearly every forum possible as I rather enjoy some of the topics that other officers are working on.
We are all here to achieve one thing and that's to keep CAG where its been for the last 2 years,reading other forums and helping out where needed can only help this.
Hell it wasn't yesterday where kilo received an application for AW and the time it was posted none of the kilo guys where around so I took it on myself to post the canned reply for kilo.Had I not have done so chances are said recruit would have probably got tired of waiting for a response and said ah hell what's the point and kilo would have lost a potential recuit.<<< this is exactly why I see the point in reading as much as possible no matter what forum or thread.Just my opinion nothing more
CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
Experience: 52,165,827
Next Level: 55,714,302
I agree in that manner of posting a canned reply yes helping out kilo when need be on those canned reply's. but anything else that is in Kilo company can be looked at of course but posting i do not think or believe it is anyone but the person that is in that certain company's place to post. Like i just said you can look but to post i do not believe is a place for you to post. Now that is my only opinion and only mine nobody else's. Take it how you want. I would feel the same way if i was in whiskey or alpha company
CAG Dogg Level: 39 [?]
Experience: 1,623,493
Next Level: 1,757,916
You should be able to post anywhere. With the exception of things that are company specific. Other than that Free for all. I really truly think this whole thing has gotten out of hand.
CAG Dogg Level: 44 [?]
Experience: 4,148,799
Next Level: 4,297,834