Sadly, you cannot teach pronunciation online, but some phrases in writing that could one day save your life. Names of things are directly translated and are actually, most often, not translated in titles. Also, we do not dub films, like those bloody french.
- Jag spelar inte Plikten Kallar, men jag har ibland varit med i Slagfält 4-lobbyer, med klanen.
* I do not play Call of Duty, but sometimes I've been in Battlefield 4-lobbies, with the clan.
- Min Titan blev precis dömd, jag skjuter ut mig.
* My Titan was just doomed, I'm ejecting.
- Du måste ha lyckats med ditt skytteprov innan dina två veckors prövotid går ut.
* You have to succeed with your marksman before your two weeks of probation runs out.
- Vi i CAG är bröder, vi håller alltid ihop, vi sviker aldrig varandra.
* Us in CAG are brothers, we stick together, we never let each other down (could also mean: we never betray each other).
- Det bor utomjordingar i min hatt. Smaka på den, psykologjävel!
* There are aliens living in my hat. Have a go at that, you shrink (psychologist) bastard!
- Det här blir min sista match för idag. Jag är sex tidszoner före er jävlar.
* This will be my last game for today. I'm six timezones ahead of you bastards.