Good afternoon,
I am looking to get more activity within Whiskey Company as far as Awards and Medals. In light of this, I have decided to do a raffle of sorts. The raffle will be for $20 MS card. I may add more if entries prove to be many. This contest will be open for 1 month starting today. The last day to submit entries will be on September 6th, 2014. The contest is open to all members of CAG, but is limited to awards within the game and realm of Battlefield.
The way you enter this raffle is going to be a little different than your typical method. For each full medal or award you submit for approval, with a few exceptions, you will have 1 entry. The few exceptions come when going for certain awards you will gain more entries. I have listed them below to help understand. Please note, all rules must be followed to receive the award as always. There will be no exceptions. When you have completed an award and it has been checked, confirmed and verified, it can be counted as an entry or entries based on the type of award. I anticipate questions, so please feel free to ask them. I will also admit, this is my 1st time doing something like this, so there maybe hiccups. But look at the brightside, you have a chance to win real prizes, and you get awards that are always nice.
All weapon level badges are worth more, since everyone must have completed their marksman to be a member, that is the only one not in play. **Note if it is verified that Call of Duty side players have finished their weapon level awards they can be submitted for entries. These awards must be verified by your Company Commander or General. Other than that all other awards must be earned in BF and/or BF awards/medals.
Rifleman Badge - 2 entries
Sharpshooter Badge -3 entries
Expert Badge - 4 entries
Pistol Marksman - 2 entries
Pistol Sharpshooter - 3 entries
Pistol Expert - 4 entries
Combat Infantry Badge (CIB) - there are 8 different weapon classes for this award. Thus for each class you finish you will gain 1 entry. Upon completion of this, you can have up to 8 entries. If you do not finish the badge by then you can submit the classes you have finished for those entries.
All badges that are regular: Medic, Mechanic, Armor, Hand to Hand, Boom! Headshot, etc. - 1 entry
All badges that are the expert version of those awards. - 2 entries
Special Forces award - 4 entries
For those of you unsure about how many awards you can do in a month, no worries. In my first 10 days as a full member, I completed my Rifleman, SS, and Expert. It is possible. My goal here is that more members will pursue medals, and even more so, weapon level badges. Just a reminder, even if you have no interest in ranking up at this point. But you have your expert badge, the work is done. The requirements then just come to things you can do over time. So if you ever decide you want to be a SL or Platoon/Company Commander, you have your weapon level to do it. We are the future of Whiskey guys, lets build it strong.