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Thread: the Interrogation Room - RainyDaiz

CAG's MERZiN8 sits down with current clan members and asks them questions, find out what those questions are and how they are answered !

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    MERZiN8's Avatar
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    the Interrogation Room - RainyDaiz


    Good Morning Ladies and Gentleman and welcome to the Interrogation Room. This week, we have the Blacksmith from the East, RainyDaiz, here to hammer out some details about what makes him the strongest of them all.

    • First Name: John
    • Age: 24
    • Location: Joppa, Maryland, but my soul forever lies in Girdwood, Alaska
    • Occupation: Blacksmith
    • Pets & Names: I have over 160 animals... Hedgehogs, dogs, cats, dragons, frogs, chincillas, roaches, tortoise...
    • Kids, Spouse: None, for now.
    • Online Game Tag names: Xbox Live - Rainydaiz & PSN- Digger, I think it was... PS2


    -What is your rank/placement within CAG?
    PFC, Rifleman, Whiskey, 1st Platoon, Alpha Squad, FT1

    -How did you come up with your username?
    My nickname's always been Rain, even my folks call me that. Couldn't have Rain, or Rainydays, so I took what I could!

    -If you had to choose a gaming Genre, such as Sports, RPG’s, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS’s, etc. what would you say would be your first pick?
    RPG, fallout destroyed my social life.

    -What consoles do you game on?
    XBox One, PC, Windows Phone. All are great!

    -What’s your favorite snack and drink while pulling a gaming all night Marathon?
    Monster energy drinks, water, gardettos, and mango soft licorice

    -What’s your most memorable moment in a game?
    Fallout NV, finding Indiana Jone's corpse, hat, bag, and lasso in a dilapidated fridge. If you don't know why that's funny I don't love you ;-)

    -If you could transport yourself into any game what game which game would you go into?
    Almost certainly, it'd be Fallout 3. But in Alaska. I'd have usefulness, creating weapons, and would always be willing to make a deal!

    -What game do you think you have invested the most time in, and how many days, months, do you think you have invested?
    Fallout... Or maybe FF, I couldn't tell you time, other than far, far too much.

    -If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
    I'm developing a fully immersive Oculus Rift game, inspired by a combination of Fallout, Final fantasy, and battlefield. It will be the greatest thing ever! It includes a full gaming capsule with IR directional sensors, and roller bearings on the floor, so you literally walk where you want you PC to go. Still hashing out a story line...

    -What makes a great next gen game great? What makes ANY game from any generation great?
    Playability; is it really worth 60+ bucks? creativeness; will it be something new, or just replaying a clone of something else with different skins? depth of story and character; will I feel like I'm being put into the moment, or just grinding through something.

    -If you can be ANY game character from ANY console who would you be and why?
    Sonic the frakkin hedgehog, for very obvious reasons!

    -How old can you remember back was your first gaming experience and what game was it?
    I think I was four? And we got a Sega Genesis from a garage sale, with this crazy survival horror deal, and sonic. Now sonic I loved, but whatever that game was, scared the daylights outta me! I'd make my older friend okay it, and still cringe when he went around corners...

    -What is your all time favorite weapon in a game to use?
    I like things that make my opponent red mist. Splatter always makes me feel better.

    -What’s your most anticipated upcoming game and why?
    The Division; because it looks like one of the first real "in depth experience" FPS RPGs.

    -What is your favorite game of all time?
    That's a mash up, between Sonic, Fallout, and 007 Goldeneye, N64.

    -Favorite Movie you recently just watched?
    Hmmm... That's a tough one! I'd have to say... Pretty much all of em. I don't hold many favorites, and its hard not to like em when they are made well. If I did have to pick just one, it'd be Push, or Jumper.

    -Favorite Music/Band/Artist?
    Pendulum, from Perth, Australia.

    -What is the most recent song that you sang out when driving in the car?
    I don't do that shiz, when I drive I drive.

    -What’ your favorite sports to watch? And who is your favorite team, and your favorite player?
    Paintball! Team infamous, and Ollie Lang!

    -Besides, gaming what else do you enjoy doing?
    I enjoy blacksmithing, whitesmithing, botany, and building rc.

    The following questions are from your fellow CAG Doggs, answer if you dare, and yes we want all the details...

    -Tits, ass, or Legs man?
    Legs, typically, but all three make a good woman!

    -Boxers, briefs or Commando?
    Boxers. I don't like da vicenut syndrome!

    -If you could be one for just 24 hours, what cereal box cartoon character would you be? Why?
    Lucky the leprechaun! I'd have all the marshmallow red balloons I could handle!

    -If you owned a CB radio what would your "handle" be?
    I do, and its Rainy. <3

    -What is one secret you have never told?
    Hah! Good try Doggies.

    -CAG CheechDogg asks "If you were leader of CAG, what would you change and why?"
    The way we achieve and verify awards, the battle log stuff is such a pain!!! Other than that I love this place and its folks!

    -Anything else you’d like to tell us, especially after all you just shared?
    I give discounts at my shop for CAG members, and all service men and women, active, retired, or reserved... I also make more than just knives, including home decor, jewelry, gates, tools, Remember the more detail you put in, the better the turn out. So please, no one word answers or solutions. Thank you for your time and cooperation.

    That wraps it up for this week's edition of the Interrogation Room. I would like to thank John for his time in sitting down with us and sharing his story. I would also like to thank you all for the continued support in this article. Be sure to come back next week for another episode of the Interrogation Room. If any of you would like to volunteer for a chance in the hot seat feel free to PM me. Thank you all again and have a great week!

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 10,640,774
    Next Level: 11,777,899

  2. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (August 5th, 2014),CAG Archangel (August 6th, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (August 6th, 2014),JouNASTY (August 5th, 2014),Lesbehonest (August 5th, 2014),RainyDaiz (August 5th, 2014),RzaRay (August 5th, 2014)

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