Okay everyone has there opinions on which is the best and which is the worst. My personal favorite is black ops 2. The one I hate the most is ghost. Do I think a lot of people group think that ghost is the worst yeah I do because people go on the internet and see what the trend is. But sometimes this trend is true.I can tell you from cod 4 to ghost that I think ghost is the worst for a multiple of reasons and I'm not band wagon it up either. map design- by far the worst vanilla maps on COD. Lack of map flow. To many angles . I can't think of one map and be excited to play it. The leveling system is awful. Higher levels have no penalty. You just a crude a large ass of squad points and when your ready for your next soldier you spend it on your favorite class immediately. Prestiging means nothing. Level means nothing.
The lean system.... I know you can turn it off but how can COD have the audacity!!! To put this in there game. COD is a twitch shooter always had been. It's a fast pace arcade shooter. So why in the hell did they put this in the game is ridiculous. Promotes standing still .. Really?? Putting a in game head glitch is infuriating.
The game color is dull. This might sound being picky but it's true. The textures on the maps are shit. Everything is a shade of blue and grey. BORING.
Kill streaks suck!!! This used to be the most exciting in COD there are not that many and there bla. I am just talking about the assault kill streak as well. The support kill streak can kiss my ass because rewarding death and having there kill streak going is stupid. Also having kill streaks stack? Haven't we learned our lesson with that. I think blops 2 SCORESTREAK system was amazing even tho it did help for getting to next kill streak it was really low points and the high points were objective base. This made people play it hardcore! Especially domination. People were hopping on points like crazy!
I ranted. I'm sorry. if you read this whole thing thanks for tuning in.