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Thread: Ghosts And Thoughts On Advanced Warfare

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  1. #1
    Redemence's Avatar
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    Ghosts And Thoughts On Advanced Warfare

    As I was watching g3 in London last night I really dawned on me how awful ghosts really is. I watched my favorite pro team get screwed so hard they ended loses the series and being eliminated from the tournament. Between spawning failures, Internet based skill levels, and glitches that should never exists It's the worst COD in history.

    What are your thoughts? And how do you think advanced warfare will turn out. What would you like to see in advanced warfare?

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  2. #2
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    a new game that doesn't suck and actually makes me contemplate buying it.

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  3. #3
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Redemence View Post
    As I was watching g3 in London last night I really dawned on me how awful ghosts really is. I watched my favorite pro team get screwed so hard they ended loses the series and being eliminated from the tournament. Between spawning failures, Internet based skill levels, and glitches that should never exists It's the worst COD in history.

    What are your thoughts? And how do you think advanced warfare will turn out. What would you like to see in advanced warfare?
    Worst COD in history are you serious. Don't you remember the tenth prestige hacks of MW2, the horrible spawns of BO, or the elevator glitches of WAW? How about the Juggernaut, One Man Army, or Martyrdom perks? Wasn't it annoying to go on a streak and die because that NOOB had pain killer on(MW3)? BTW COD has had connectivity issues since I first played which was COD4. Every COD has it's problems and I can nit pick and come up with quite a few for each game in the series. I can also come up with noticeable improvements for each one. I wouldn't be so quick to judge.

    As for Advanced Warfare it will have it's share of successes and failure just like every other COD.

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  5. #4
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    the problem is there is no redeeming quality to keep playing like there was with those previous ones. its not fresh and exciting anymore. were those perks annoying? absolutely. but they are part of the game it's not like its a broken feature.

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  6. #5
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    I think it's the dumbasses who keep glitching and showcasing it on YouTube just like GTA and others. .

    MW2 was just as bad if not worst than Ghosts the MW3 in close 3rd Black Ops 1 & 2 were the top COD along with COD4.

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  7. #6
    Redemence's Avatar
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    I personally believe MW2 was the best in the franchise. I have played a lot of ghosts and it's fundamental broken. While some perks in past call of duty weren't the greatest the fundamentals of the game weren't broken like it is in ghosts. In the 7-8 years of the franchise I've never seen a game that glitches 2 of 6 rounds in search and destroy not allowing you to plant the bomb

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  8. #7
    vl Matty xD's Avatar
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    Saying that ghosts is the worst in the history of COD is just hoping on the "group think" as driftor put it in his latest video, bandwagon that the current COD is the worst and that all previous CODs were absolutely flawless and nothing short of perfection, saying your favourite competitive team lost because of bad spawns is really just bad luck no game is perfect if there an anyway half decent team they should be able to work around bad spawns. Ghosts is fundamentally broken? How? It has all the core fundamentals of a COD game FPS? Check. Perks? Check a single player that leaves a lot to be desired? Check. Kill streaks? Check. What more do you expect from a COD game? /endrant

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  9. #8
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    i wouldn't go as far to say any previous one's were flawless but they were all much more enjoyable. i played the ghosts demo for 20 minutes... and then uninstalled. they really got away from what people want with CoD. small, tight maps with 2-3 chokepoints and little to no vertical gameplay and instead they did the exact opposite. i think the worst part about still having bad spawns is just that - still having bad spawns after 10 installments of the series. i mean its not like they'd have to overhaul the game and use a new engine - which they clearly aren't interested in doing - so at least fix spawning. nope. can't do it. can't do it. can't win for em. can't win with em. can't do it.

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  11. #9
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    I have played every cod for over 20 days each expect for ghosts. There hasn't been a cod in history that is flawless and saying ghosts is the worst by no means should say the rest are. You look at ghosts and see all the problems with bomb glitch, how Internet is the premise of the entire game, and now utterly embarrassing the spawn system is you wonder how it got past development sometimes. There is very few " good" maps that are worth playing and the pace of ghosts is very slow unlike other cods. You have a game like bo2 that was before this and you see how much better it is and the fact more people play that than ghosts. While each game in cod has had it's flaws ghosts flaws are just so obvious it's impossible to overlook. All the hype that was associated with it was horribly misplaced

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  12. #10
    Nesty's Avatar
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    The spawning has been bad since they changed it in MW3. Prior to this the engine actually tried to spawn you where enemies weren't. Now it's the opposite.

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  13. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Nesty For This Fucking Post:

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