BF4 was rushed for the sole purpose to compete with COD Ghosts sales. As a result BF4 took a HUGE hit in sales and fan base because of how broken it was and still is.
Xbox One:
Yes that's right, XB1 was rushed. Why? To compete with PS4. As a result people flipped shit about the first iteration of the policies. Microsoft quickly change them in an attempt to stop the backlash but where a little to late. Xbox One sales did not pass the PS4 launch numbers, and PS4 is still currently outselling Xbox One.
XB1 is still suffering issues due to being rushed. Party chat being constantly fucked up or just not working. Games crashing. The interface becoming slower and slower as time passes. Now I'm not saying PS4 isn't having issues, but not to the extent that XB1 is.
GTA Online:
It was rushed, but I don't believe it was intentional. R* had / has high hopes for the game mode and rightly so. After a few patches they have fixed about 90-95% of the issues. So, was it rushed? Yes, but it was fixed quickly and effectively.
Watch Dogs:
Another game that everyone had high hopes for but in the end was definitely a let down. The multiplayer simply does not work. The game it self was fun, but left everyone wanting more and asking why it was so short. And one thing that still gets me is that they made Chicago a god damn Island!!! Seriously!? I would rather have had invisible walls as a border then making Chicago a island.
I'm sure there a lot more examples, but to me it's obvious that games, systems, DLC, and even patches are being pushed out way to fast without proper testing.
But you can't put 100% of the blame on developers, we as consumers have grown beyond impatient for the next iteration of our favorite game or even new games.
What are your thoughts?