Well I've about had it with xbl. Sense the 1 was released the live service has been garbage. I'm not sure what it's like on the 360 but I assume it's all the same. I understand things go wrong or a bug jumps up but it is ridiculous how often this shit happens. Party chat doesn't work, servers crash, friends list doesn't work, etc. Paying 30$ every 3 months for a service that has constant issues just isn't making sense to me anymore. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
I have been contemplating going to PC or PS4 for a good while now. I know I can still get 400+ from my friend who is infatuated with xbox. So getting the money isn't the issue.
I'm not to sure what I'm going to be doing here.
So my rant / whatever the fuck yall wanna call it is over now.