My opinion is that the pve is pretty good, not enough loot from hidden chests and the reward system isn't the whole team or based on performance so its kinda weird, I really don't like the pvp everything but he level matters, which means if son1 has a powerful weapon and younger into a firefight, well my friend good luck, one map I can't remember specifically but my team got one sided by vehicles, I continuously destroyed them but I couldnt get my team to recover from the constant vehicles on the other side, maybe balancing the vehicles could help, other than that, I honestly really enjoy the game, it seems pretty naked but fits only a beta, so I'm definitely excited for the actual game and plan on being active on it, I also wanna thank Gemini328 for just randomly giving me the code and allowing me to experience this awesome beta, sorry I haunt played with any one much, I go AFK a lot because my son is quite sick n gets grumpy or frustrated quite easily because of it, he is only 3 after all, plz post what ur opinion is of the game, hope to see u guys in the tower sometimes!!