Hey CAG members,
As many of know from my other post its about time for me to take my 9-month vacation. For those of you who do not know I am deploying to Afghanistan this coming month.
Now that we got that part out the way, I will be needing someone to take charge of my Squad during my Absence. Normally one of the Team Leaders take charge during the Squad Leader's absence. BBBUUUTTT seeing how my Team Leaders have dropped off the radar. I need to pick someone new.
I feel that this could be a opportunity for new members(the High Speed ones) to step up and take on some real responsibly with in the CAG Clan. You never know you might be able to be the next Fundy. I doubt it but you can try.
Qualificantions of a Squad Leader:
Must be a Lance Corporal thought Sargent.
Marksmanship, Expert, and SharpShooter Badge must be compelted.
Must have a Minimal of 400 post on the CAG forums.
Must be Knowledgeable in the CAG Chain of Command and Code of Conduct.
Must be recommended by a Command Officer.
Must play with Lower ranking members in game (No Lone Wolfing).
Keep in mind prospects the above listing is no guarantee. Also I am not the approving authority in the selection for my replacement.
CAG Cheechdogg, CAG PissPaws, CAG Sgt Bear, CAG RzRay, CAG Raz, CAG Archangel JohnBai, Jordan3511, and everyone else not listed. I will miss you guys. Playing with you guys and learning things from everyone has being a awesome experience.
I will still continue to get online and play with I can during my deployment if times permits
So with that being side, this will be the end of my transmission on this thread.