Okay. I'm trying to knock out my Sharpshooter and Expert Medal a.s.a.p
For me this is done easier in TDM or DOM. I know most of us like Conquest, and I don't mind it either but it would be quicker (for me) in done in TDM / DOM.
I would like at LEAST 2 other CAG members to help me out and I will return the favor if and when you deiced to go for them as well.
As or the squad it self, I'd like at least one dedicated MEDIC (MEDIC BAG & DEFIBS) and SUPPORT (AMMO BAG) I can run either or, just need the other counterpart.
So if anyone is willing I plan on being on most of the day tomorrow (Got the day to myself) please let me know here.
Mechos out!!