Good Morning CAG! This morning on the Interrogation Room, we have CAG Archangel. He is going to share with us what makes him Protector of the Skies
• First Name: Matt
• Age: 35
• Location: Worthing Beach, South Coast, England
• Occupation: Analyst / Developer
• Pets & Names: Dave...he's my cat, he's bald...but no one sees him except me
• Kids, Spouse: One wife, two kids...both boys and all awesome
• Online Game Tag names: Xbox Live - CAG Archangel
CAG Archangel - Matt
-What is your rank/placement within CAG?
I am Gunnery Sergeant within Whiskey Company's HQ.
-How did you come up with your username?
Couple reasons I arrived at my tag.
Firstly, I felt my previous tag, which I'd had for fifteen years, Icey Baby, was no longer applicable. I wanted something a little more 'grow'd up'.
Secondly...I am a protector of people.
Allow me to explain briefly...I've been in a few scrapes in my time and will never leave a person to be beaten down unjustly.
I have prevented two people from being run over, the second time, I myself went over the bonnet (hood) but thankfully escaped with just cuts and bruises.
I pulled my step brother out of the Mediteranean when we took a pedalo way out to go diving and he got stung by jelly fish.
I have intervened in a mugging.
I have retrieved cats from trees.
My name is particularly apt now because I'm a husband and a father. It is my duty to ensure my people are safe from harm.
These are the main reasons I decided on Archangel.
-If you had to choose a gaming Genre, such as Sports, RPG’s, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS’s, etc. what would you say would be your first pick?
I don't really have a preference...I play FPS the most but mainly because there's so many of them! I love games from Battlefield (obviously), to Mass Effect, to Eve Online.
I am a gamer...I play whatever entertains me.
-What consoles do you game on?
I play on Xbox 360 and Xbox One. I used to play ps3 also...for the Naughty Dog games, Infamous and Heavy Rain / Beyond: Two Souls
-What’s your favorite snack and drink while pulling a gaming all night Marathon?
I'm trying to ween myself off of the gaming snacks...however, i will happily munch through Doritos, Wine Gums, yum yums, cookies, cocktail sausages...and a large glass of ice cold water (don't wanna get fat now)
-What’s your most memorable moment in a game?
well, as of a few nights ago - it is actually a CAG related moment. Myself and a few CAG members jumped into a server in BF3 and found we were over 400 tickets behind and not many of our own. The rest of our team (blueberries) seemed to log off but we stayed behind, got our shit orchestrated and won the game. Then we had an epic fight in Metro, which included backing off when they were spawn trapped, to allow them back into the turned into an immense battle and was fucking awesome. I don't think I've had THAT much fun online for a very long time.
Before might have been meeting Trevor in GTA5 lol
-If you could transport yourself into any game what game which game would you go into?
Hmmm...a toughy...I would love to be a capsuleer in Eve facinates me.
-What game do you think you have invested the most time in, and how many days, months, do you think you have invested?
This is another toughy...I'd say the Battlefield series, then Mass Effect, Skyrim...but Eve Online has probably taken the most, simply because of it's very nature.
-If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
I've not really given this one much thought I must admit. But if I were to do anything, I would like to get with Rockstar and do a GTA in London and the surrounding areas. Cockney GTA...wicked...YOU MUGGIN ME OFF?!? YOU MUG!! YOU SLAAAAG!! It would probably be very 'Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels'.
-What makes a great next gen game great? What makes ANY game from any generation great?
Well, cliche as it may is what everyone looks to first. Yes this is great...but fluidity, draw distance, how much stuff is on my screen at any one time, mo cap,...and good looking water...these things are what I look for with next gen. What I consider to make games great generally is an awesome story. Story??! I hear you say. I know right!! But I want to be totally immersed in my game, fully engaged and involved with the sotry and its characters. Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls for example...not your typcal games for pew but they drew me in and like a good book (apparently, I don't read much) I could not put them down. I'm not going to harp on about what I feel makes a great game...there's so many different factors but I'll leave this one here.
-If you can be ANY game character from ANY console who would you be and why?
I'd be Nathan Drake in Uncharted, being all Indiana Jones and shit would be awesome. Raiding tombs and adventuring places with a variety of weaponry at my disposal...what's not to like?? Plus, I'd love to have a sidekick like Sully...he's pretty useless really but such a dude.
Either him or Commander Shepperd in Mass Effect...oh my...the possibilities...Captain Kirk would pale in comparison to me and my 'conquests'!
-How old can you remember back was your first gaming experience and what game was it?
Erm...probably before I was ten years Mum bought an old Commodore 64 and we used to play Harrier Attack and some weird game with killer tomoatoes in it. Fond memories those.
-What is your all time favorite weapon in a game to use?
Have two that I love.
The Gravity Gun from Half LIfe
The Dub Step gun from Saints Row 4
-What’s your most anticipated upcoming game and why?
Probably The Division. It's Clancy...that should be nuff said really however; what they're trying to do with that game is immense. The squad play is what piques my interest. Yeah, it looks amazing (we all know what happened with Watch Dogs) but playing with my buddies in that envirnoment...exploration...pvp...I really do hope it's the tits and not an anti-climax.
-What is your favorite game of all time?
I'm really sorry...I can't narrow this down.
I shall however bullet point just a few.
- Mass Effect 2
- Uncharted 3
- Beyond: Two Souls
- GRAW 2
-Favorite Movie you recently just watched?
The Goonies
-Favorite Music/Band/Artist?
I have an eclectic taste in music...I love trailer music - think epic movie scores, Two Steps From Hell are my favourite for this. I like Iron Maiden, it's always story time when I listen to their stuff. Coldplay, The Prodigy, the Top Gun OST! I'll listen to pretty much anything if it's well done. I have a special place in my heart for John Denver, Garth Brookes, Simon & Garfunkel and Tracy Chapman...they remind me of my Dad.
-What’ your favorite sports to watch? And who is your favorite team, and your favorite player?
Football - Manchester United...and yes I have been to Old Trafford. Last game I saw tho was against Portsmouth in the FA CUp 3rd Round...Beckham still played for them then and scored from a free kick. Love that guy.
-Besides, gaming what else do you enjoy doing?
I was gonna say masturbating but not sure if that would be agreeable. It is enjoyable afterall.
However; I enjoy being a husband and father.
I enjoy making stuff out of lego with my boys and carving ice sculptures with a butter knife...I'm teaching my eldest at the moment.
I enjoy my fitness regime and play football, basketball and badminton.
I used to love going out and getting off my pickle with various substances...however; as I've aged I now enjoy quiet boys nights in lol.
I love playing my acoutsic guitar, it's hand made and a fucking dream.
The following questions are from your fellow CAG Doggs, answer if you dare, and yes we want all the details...
-Tits, ass, or Legs man?
Tits with legs closely behind.
-Boxers, briefs or Commando?
Boxers - well, hipsters actually.
-IF you had to go to a job interview for an important job, and could either remove all the hair from your body, head and all, eyebrows the whole nine OR dress like a woman/transgender, which would you do?
I'd dress as a woman. I got a fine set of pins and those legs have bought me many a pint in the past. And no...not regularly, just a couple times for Halloween and Fancy Dress.
-What is one secret you have never told?
As a young child, I was fortunate enough to go to a fete in Peasmarsh one year hosted by Sir Paul McCartney and his then wife Linda. I rode on Linda's horse and wiped nasal burgers and snot in the horses mane.
-CAG CheechDogg asks "If you were leader of CAG, what would you change and why?"
I would make it mandatory that all CAG that don't live in the UK...have to play in the early afternoon their time. That way I get to play with them too.
Seriously tho...there's not much I would change at all. I like what Cheech and the management have done with the place. Also...people before me have suggested things that I agree with so I'm not going to repeat it again.
-Anything else you’d like to tell us, especially after all you just shared?
I am here to have fun and I'm glad I decided to give CAG a shot. I've met some truly awesome people and consider you my friends. CAG is home from home baby.
Well, that wraps it up for this week's edition of the Interrogation Room. I would like to thank Matt for his time, as well as, all you guys in CAG for making this article work. Don't forget if there is a particular question that you would like to see on the Interrogation Room, feel free to PM me. Also, if you are looking to jump into the hot seat, send me a PM as well, and I will get you on the list. Thanks again to Matt for his time. I hope everyone has a great week!