Jordan I don't ever feel was a good leader either...
its like the NBAs definition of a good "leader" is the guy who scores the most points and its NOT. I was drinking my coffee watching good morning america and they showed people burning their jerseys then the same people taking the jersey out of a pile of ashes, people in the streets chanting "LBJ LBJ LBJ"...chant something that can actually be of use like..oh..I don't know..."PBJ PBJ PBJ"...
Its easy to be the top scorer with a team live the cavs, they don't have NEARLY enough money like half of the other teams in the league and now that they got Lebron back MOST of their payroll is him. They say his relationship with Ohio is more than basketball, EXACTLY...ITS MONEY!
They just cant compete with LA or NY or even like San Antonio or OKC, they all have deeper pockets and better talent...
The NUMBER ONE thing I heard about all of this on people saying hes going to bring a championship to Cleveland...ITS A TEAM SPORT! ONE MAN ALONE CANT DO IT, HE NEEDS OTHERS BEHIND HIM..
He was never a good follower, and will never be a good leader