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Thread: the Interrogation Room - BlameItOnGod13

CAG's MERZiN8 sits down with current clan members and asks them questions, find out what those questions are and how they are answered !

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    MERZiN8's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    the Interrogation Room - BlameItOnGod13


    Good Morning CAG! On this episode of the Interrogation Room, we have BlameItOnGod13. Let's see what he is up to

    • First Name: Matt
    • Age: 28
    • Location: Wilkes Barre/Scranton, PA
    • Occupation: bouncing from temp job to temp job, rebuilding my resume
    • Pets & Names: 4 dogs - 2 Great Pyrenees (rescued) and 2 Cocker Spaniels
    • Kids, Spouse: nope and nope
    • Online Game Tag names: Xbox Live - BlameItOnGod13 & Steam- RonSwanson13

    Click on the photo for his profile!

    -What is your rank/placement within CAG?
    General - Co-Leader / Admin aka Master of the Universe aka the Gatekeeper

    -How did you come up with your username?
    Deicide song - I'm an unoriginal fuck sometimes. thinking of changing it to something like UsedFapNapkin or something else stupid

    -If you had to choose a gaming Genre, such as Sports, RPG’s, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS’s, etc. what would you say would be your first pick?
    RPG for sure. Final Fantasy 7 & 8 are two of my all time favorite game's along with Skyrim and Legends of Dragoon if anyone remembers that PS2 old school jam. Legend of Colossus was also a really fun game. FPS' is cool but it gets old and repetitive. even though most RPG's are singleplayer it's constantly evolving as you play with a story that you won't skip the cinematic or curse the game with a cinematic you can't skip. I also like games where I have to think and spend time having conversations with myself over gear or skill choices. I love theorycrafting as well.

    -What consoles do you game on?
    I have a Xbox 1 but no games at the moment. waiting for Destiny and NHL 15 which both drop Sept 9th. counting the days.
    right now I spend the majority of my gaming time on my PC.

    -What’s your favorite snack and drink while pulling a gaming all night Marathon?
    Not much of a snack-as-I-play guy but if I did it was normally Saltine Crackers; Drink wise, nothing beats some ice cold water.

    -What’s your most memorable moment in a game?
    So many moments but one that comes to mind first as I ponder is the round where I shot down 2 jet's with muh tank in BF4. so good. Country was actually ridin bitch (gunner) for those. blew his mind a little i think... blew my own mind as well, at least on the second jet. it was pretty sick (if anyone wants the link to the clip let me know). we had some fun that game huh Big C?

    -If you could transport yourself into any game what game which game would you go into?
    Dead or Alive:Beach Volleyball.
    Feel free to tell me that is the best answer to this question so far and the best you will ever see. be a thinker not a stinker.

    -What game do you think you have invested the most time in, and how many days, months, do you think you have invested?
    568 hours 4 minutes and10 seconds - BF3

    -If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
    I have this idea for a game which I was hesitant about sharing but I doubt I'll ever be in a position to get it made so here goes.

    A 3rd person Monster Hunting game (never thought of a name). the idea is you would be almost like a Van Helsing, traveling to exotic locations hunting famous movie and mythical monsters. figure a setting somewhere in the late 1800's. places like London for Dr. Jeckyll, Transylvania for Dracula, Eygpt for the Mummy, Mexico for El Chupacabra, Pacific Northwest for Bigfoot and the Himalaya's for a Yeti, etc; there would be progessive skills as well as one time skills picked up from a different NPC's throughout the world. you would have to track the monster to find it - ask around towns and villages, track footprints and use bait's (which would change from monster to monster). you would have an inventory, obviously for certain weapon types, weapons would be accurate to the time period of course.

    I would make the character type as real as possible - you could only carry what a normal human would be able to in real life, no super human skills - only things a human person could do within the realm of possibilty, you would have to sleep and eat as a normal person, your body would age, time would progress just like real world time for each playthough wether your playing or not, you could drink or smoke but it would effect your stamina/conditioning and such... liver disease would also be possible.

    I could go for days with idea's. it's fairly ambitous, I don't think anything like that with as much detail to realism has ever been done. if done properly with enough time to develop and test I think it could be a success.

    If anyone ganks that idea please hook me up with a fat check or a Ferrari F50 and were cool otherwise I'll stab you with a swordfish.

    -What makes a great next gen game great? What makes ANY game from any generation great?
    I'll tell you when I play one that really blows me away and justifies the 500 doll hairs I spent on the thing. don't get me wrong, BF4 was a huge improvement from last gen as far as FPS and player count but I think these developers can do much, much better. Watch Dogs, for example, was such a let down. E3 showed it as the most mind blowing thing... the attention to detail in every graphical aspect and true to life lighting and shadows and then none of it made into the final version of the game.

    Funny story, someone went through the files and made a mod on PC to make it like the E3 version... they just used the E3 files in the actual game files. Ubisoft claims it was done for "stability". someone streamed both versions and saw no major drops in FPS or playability on a mid grade PC with the mod on.

    -If you can be ANY game character from ANY console who would you be and why?
    Dracula from Castlevania and Simons Quest. I would have fucked Simon Belmont up.

    -How old can you remember back was your first gaming experience and what game was it?
    Got a Nintendo in like 90-91 with Duck Hunt and Super Mario Bros. good times.

    -What is your all time favorite weapon in a game to use?
    Not really a weapon per say but Kirby's ability to swallow and then morph into any other character from that battle in Super Smash Bros.

    -What’s your most anticipated upcoming game and why?
    The Witcher 3. when I see gameplay cut with cinematic's it's hard to tell what's game play and what's cinematic. I just hope it's not PC footage...

    -What is your favorite game of all time?
    Probably Skyrim on PC. impossible to get bored with the hundreds, probably thousands, of mods.

    -Favorite Movie you recently just watched?
    Rush, hands down. Chris Hemsworth did a great job as James Hunt and Daniel Bruhl looked/acted almost exactly like Niki Lauda. I wouldn't say it's my favorite but it was the most enjoyable from the past 12 or so months.

    -Favorite Music/Band/Artist?
    Metal/Type O Negative/Bjork

    -What’s your favorite sports to watch? And who is your favorite team, and your favorite player?
    Hockey without a doubt.

    My favorite teams are the Denver Broncos and Detroit Red Wings. I also support the Philadelphia Phillies.

    Favorite player, all time, would have to be Bo Jackson. he was great at 2 professional sports but he was also humble and had humility. you never heard about him beating on women or getting pulled over drunk or some other dumb shit. he also gave back, and continues to, in his community. we need more athletes for kids to be able to look up to beyond thier ability to throw a football or hit a baseball.

    -Besides, gaming what else do you enjoy doing?

    Just started riding BMX bikes again. I used to love fishing but don't get to go much, if at all, anymore. I'd also like to get back into playing guitar down the road. having some beers every now and then is fun too and so is just sitting around and bullshitting with my buddy Craig. everyone else I grew up with is either a super doucher or in 2 cases dead.

    The following questions are from your fellow CAG Doggs, answer if you dare, and yes we want all the details...

    -Tits, ass, or Legs man?

    Legs for sure but ass is a very, very close second.

    -Boxers, briefs or Commando?

    -CAG Patron wants to know, Have you ever made love to a midget while watching midget porn and covered in Peanut Butter (or anything else for that matter)
    Only on days that end in 'y'

    -What is one secret you have never told?
    I get a quarter chub when I hear Nancy Kerrigan scream in the beginning of the "30 for 30:The Price of Gold"

    -CAG CheechDogg asks "If you were leader of CAG, what would you change and why?"
    I would readjust some point values on the awards as well as add a couple new ones. I think some of the ones that are challenging aren't worth what they should be while others are slightly over bloated. it's not that the point values matter persay it's more of "everything is equal" thing.

    I would attempt to add more diveristy in the games we support, award's included. I'd love to see a Sports and MMO Division within CAG and it could be doable, even if it was just some of the guys who are already here but like to play more than just FPS'.

    something else I might attempt would be getting a solid YouTube Channel going with some gameplay from anyone who wished to capture/edit/upload. not so much to attempt to gain an income, just to showcase some of our skills as well as having another form of media for promotional purposes.

    the next 2 things kind of go hand in hand -

    1) I would also probably make some roster cuts. I enjoy interacting with other members and there are some guys on the roster who rarely, if ever, interact with the rest of us for reasons unknown. if you can't for a good reason then that's fine but I wish we had more member's be more proactive on the forums. I'd rather have 50-100 guys who are always around, interacting and playing than 5000 who you never hear from.

    2) I might take us off of Top100. I know its the main form of getting recruits amongst other things but I like underground things, things that are hard to find. it adds a mysterious kind of feel especially when a clan you've never heard of just rocks you in game or maybe wins a tourney or just dominates a game/mode for instance like a Clan Wards type thing on Ghosts.

    I know we are a casual clan where anyone can join and no one is turned away but there's something about a somewhat exclusive group that painstakingly reviews each recruit with a fine tooth comb before membership is considered.

    I would also make Randy a 20 star general... one star for each inch of his penis.

    -Anything else you’d like to tell us, especially after all you just shared?
    I'm a former drug addict and victim of abuse. I don't let it define me nor use it as a crutch - I'm simply a honest person who has come to terms the choices I've made and situations I've been in. I love the life I live now. I'm comfortable with myself and what I've become and I don't give a single fuck what anyone thinks about me, my past, my hobbies, my taste in music, or my beliefs and lack of political correctness. I do what makes me happy and if I find something funny, no matter how distasteful, I'm gonna laugh my balls off at it. I live my life for me and me alone. the only things I take seriously are the things in life that matter and I try to have fun with those things when possible as well. I'm me for better or worse.

    Well, that wraps up this week's edition of the Interrogation Room, I would like to thank Matt for his time. I would also like to thank everyone who comes out to check these things out. Keep in mind, if you ever feel like you would like to be in the hot seat or have a question you would like to see in the article. Feel free to send me a PM. Thank you all again, thank you Matt, and I hope everyone has a great week, till next time!
    Last edited by MERZiN8; July 8th, 2014 at 08:23 AM.

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 10,730,183
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  2. The Following 6 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (July 8th, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014),Buzzard (July 8th, 2014),CAG Archangel (July 8th, 2014),CAG JB (July 8th, 2014),LordHavok (July 8th, 2014)

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    CAG Archangel's Avatar
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    Quality...thanks Blame!

    20 star General? LMAO!

    And I agree with some of your ideas broski...nice.

    Gunnery Sergeant - CAG (Gunny) Archangel
    Whiskey Company HQ

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  4. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Archangel For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014),LordHavok (July 8th, 2014),Nesty (July 8th, 2014)

  5. #3
    ScottyDntKnow's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    From Wilkes-Barre? I was born whole family still lives there and im only about 3 hours away

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
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  6. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to ScottyDntKnow For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014)

  7. #4
    CAG ToxicBob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottyDntKnow View Post
    From Wilkes-Barre? I was born whole family still lives there and im only about 3 hours away
    Where at?

    I'm Toxicbob and I approve this message

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  8. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG ToxicBob For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014)

  9. #5
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    Quality read grits man!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    CAG JB

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  10. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014)

  11. #6
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Hey man 20 Star General first of it's kind lmao
    Great read indeed nice to know ya blame can't wait to spank dat ass in NHL 15 oh and I'm gonna livestream it lol

    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
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  12. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014)

  13. #7
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScottyDntKnow View Post
    From Wilkes-Barre? I was born whole family still lives there and im only about 3 hours away
    yup its a quality little shithole but i did score a used copy of BF4 for XB1 for 24 bucks yesterday so i guess the infestation of drugs has its perks.

    Quote Originally Posted by CAG Sammm View Post
    Hey man 20 Star General first of it's kind lmao
    Great read indeed nice to know ya blame can't wait to spank dat ass in NHL 15 oh and I'm gonna livestream it lol
    like i wrote one star for each inch of your penis. as far as the NHL goes keep dreamin.

    glad you guys enjoyed it. i haven't read it back since i did it and i was moar then half asleep when i answered this stuff so i'm curious as to what i wrote.

    i'd like to thank Merz for letting me be a part of this as it was a lot fun. keep up the great work Merz!
    Last edited by BlameItOnGod13; July 8th, 2014 at 12:17 PM.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  14. #8
    ScottyDntKnow's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I was born at Wilkes Barre General hospital near plains...I live now in Jersey..I bounced around the country alot went to HS in Seattle..joined the army and now im back here...this area is like a black matter how far you run it sucks you back in...
    My family all lives between harveys lake, scranton, plymouth, wilkes barre and ashley

    CAG Dogg Level: 41 [?]
    Experience: 2,514,334
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  15. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to ScottyDntKnow For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014)

  16. #9
    MERZiN8's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Quote Originally Posted by BlameItOnGod13 View Post
    yup its a quality little shithole but i did score a used copy of BF4 for XB1 for 24 bucks yesterday so i guess the infestation of drugs has its perks.

    like i wrote one star for each inch of your penis. as far as the NHL goes keep dreamin.

    glad you guys enjoyed it. i haven't read it back since i did it and i was moar then half asleep when i answered this stuff so i'm curious as to what i wrote.

    i'd like to thank Merz for letting me be a part of this as it was a lot fun. keep up the great work Merz!
    Does this mean we can expect to see you back in some Battlefield action?

    And no problem, man. I really do enjoy these.

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 10,730,183
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  17. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 8th, 2014)

  18. #10
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    Wilkes Burrr

    Quote Originally Posted by ScottyDntKnow View Post
    I was born at Wilkes Barre General hospital near plains...I live now in Jersey..I bounced around the country alot went to HS in Seattle..joined the army and now im back here...this area is like a black matter how far you run it sucks you back in...
    My family all lives between harveys lake, scranton, plymouth, wilkes barre and ashley
    oh rock and roll man i live in Hanover Township right between the Carey Ave Bridge and Burger King + all those other fast food joints by Lee Park.

    Quote Originally Posted by MERZiN8 View Post
    Does this mean we can expect to see you back in some Battlefield action?

    And no problem, man. I really do enjoy these.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
    Experience: 49,013,136
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