You told me once? Sorry i dont have a computer readily there to jump on battle log
Post your information for your Battlefield Marksman.
I just find it interesting that it can be missed so many times by so many different people but when it gets told to a person once maybe twice and they don't jump right on it because for them it's not a 1-2 minute process (10-15 for me) it's all their fault. People forget or have other things get in the way, it happens sadly people don't understand that
its all good man just get your tags on and say so in this thread once you have and i'll double check it to make sure. i was unaware that you didn't have a PC so if you can get them on today i'll let you slide.
EDIT: i should have been more specific in my original post i meant that Mob had told you and then i had as well i didn't mean i told you twice. sorry everyone for the confusion.
Last edited by BlameItOnGod13; July 21st, 2014 at 01:38 PM.
Bear has already denied his application due to non compliance. If you would like to change your tags to the appropriate (CAGr) and re-do the marksman by all means but as of right now your application is denied...
Battlefield brigade
- CAG pisspawz
- Battalion commander
BlameItOnGod13 (July 21st, 2014),CAG JB (July 21st, 2014)
Ok. So can he throw the tag on and be good. Or does he have to do his marksman again?
He will have to redo his marksman and probation.. He is already denied.
Battlefield brigade
- CAG pisspawz
- Battalion commander
CAG JB (July 21st, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (July 21st, 2014)
pisspawz (July 21st, 2014)
Wait, putting the CAGr is not in the application post but yet it is a way to not meet the requirements for your application?
Was he ever told by anyone that if you do not put your clan tag to CAGr that it will result in denial of his application??
I know he was told by mob 3 days ago at like 3am. I was there. But I think you cannot blame the recruit for this mistake. He was ill informed and no one told him straight up that if you don't do THIS that THIS will happen.
He was told to change his gamer tag. No one told him that it was an important step as being a recruit.
I could guarantee you that if he was told that it would have been a result of denial of his application that it would have been done. As you see he did his 350 kills and posted 40 times on the forums. It's almost as if we threw him a curve ball.
This post is not too start an argument or sound mean. I just see a defense for the other side and think it should be brought to the surface. I am looking for clarification.
If the recruit is reading this do not bandwagon my comment but let full members talk about it and we will ask you appropriate questions if need be!
CAG JB (July 21st, 2014),MERZiN8 (July 22nd, 2014),MoB Corleone352 (July 21st, 2014),pisspawz (July 21st, 2014)
HG you are making some really valid points in this post that I agree with. We have a good recruit/gamer here and when I told him this was the first he heard of it.
I for one didn't know that not having your recruit tag resulted in disqualification.
If this is going to be a issue then we need to stress the importance of CAGr in the canned thread.
pisspawz (July 21st, 2014)
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