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Thread: the Interrogation Room - CAG NuT JOb

CAG's MERZiN8 sits down with current clan members and asks them questions, find out what those questions are and how they are answered !

  1. #1
    MERZiN8's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    the Interrogation Room - CAG NuT JOb


    Good Afternoon, I just want to start off by saying Happy 4th of July, I hope everyone has a safe and fun Independence Day this year. Today on the Interrogation Room, we have the Kilo Company's CAG NuT joB, and he is going to tell us a little bit about that weird persona.

    • First Name:AJ stands for something I don't speak about
    • Age:30
    • Location:born and raised on the South side of Chicago but just moved to Geneva, Illinois on Sat
    • Occupation: unemployed
    • Pets & Names: none
    • Kids, Spouse:Married with 2 boys (7,3) 1 girl (6) and 1 due in December
    • Online Game Tag names: Xbox Live - CAG NuT jOb

    -What is your rank/placement within CAG?
    Platoon Sergeant, Kilo Company (CoD Ghosts Xbox 1 Division)

    -How did you come up with your username?
    I was Krazy once then CAG brought me home

    -If you had to choose a gaming Genre, such as Sports, RPG’s, Action/Adventure, Survival Horror, FPS’s, etc. what would you say would be your first pick?
    FPS all way then sports right behind it

    -What consoles do you game on?
    The mysterious X1

    -What’s your favorite snack and drink while pulling a gaming all night Marathon?
    Green Monster and pizza with flaming hot Cheetos on it (don't judge me)

    -What’s your most memorable moment in a game?
    When I beat Sonic the Hedgehog 2 when I was 15 I had stayed up 48 hrs straight to do it on a weekend. I think I might have fell asleep with the controller in my hands twice

    -What is your most memorable moment in life?
    Being there to witness the birth of all 3 of my kids. They are my everything including my headaches.

    -If you could transport yourself into any game what game which game would you go into?
    Reading this question at first I thought put me in any CoD game, but I don't think that I'd have the balls to do it in real life. I'd really like to transport myself into any sports game's create a player or my career mode I'm a sports fan fanatic.

    -What game do you think you have invested the most time in, and how many days, months, do you think you have invested?
    I wouldn't really say it's one particular game but I have devoted way to much time with the whole CoD franchise. I have lost count for days and bout years?

    -If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
    William Poole was only 6 when his parents were murdered and raped by Gypsy Outlaws in his small Amish community. Now Poole is older and a trained, lethal bounty hunter and ready for revenge follow Poole as he tries to catch his parents killers and well as side missions as catching notoriously convicts who have jumped bail such as The Kid, Killer Sam and the Mexican cartel leader El Patron

    -What makes a great next gen game great? What makes ANY game from any generation great?
    Definitely the graphics are a huge thing for me for next gen games as well as the multiplayer modes. If I can't get down with my CAG brothers in a game then I don't want it. I think that any game needs a great story line to be great, something that catches the player into not wanting to put the controller down.

    -If you can be ANY game character from ANY console who would you be and why?
    Itsa me MARIO the original hero rescuing that hot Princess Toadstool

    -How old can you remember back was your first gaming experience and what game was it?
    When I was in 2nd grade Santa had bought me my NES with duck hunt and Mario bros. on it .

    -What is your all time favorite weapon in a game to use?
    M27 with a silencer and thermal scope that's a real man's gun

    -What’s your most anticipated upcoming game and why?
    Advanced Warfare this game is going to make or break this franchise with what happens to CoD in the future I think. Also cannot wait until NHL 15 comes out graphics will be killer as well as being able to game with my CAG DOGGies

    -What is your favorite game of all time?
    Tecmo Bowl for NES was the schiznet was the Chicago Bears all the time

    -Favorite Movie you recently just watched?
    Coneheads I love it when they use condoms as chewing gum I've never tried it....really I havent.

    -Favorite Music/Band/Artist?
    Um I like all music except for polka and heavy metal (anyone can scream into a mic and call it music) Favorite band by far Aerosmith no explanation needed I hope. My favorite Artist is Bryan McKnight only reason is his songs are a guaranteed panty dropper with the ladies.

    -What are your favorite sports to watch? And who is your favorite team, and your favorite player?
    I love watching football and hockey and going to baseball games (watching baseball on TV is very boring). Favorite teams are the White Sox, Blackhawks, Bears, and Bulls. Favorite player of all time Walter Payton an Michael Jordan

    -Besides, gaming what else do you enjoy doing?
    I'm actively in the Knights if Columbus we do a lot of great things for alot of people. Also love going to the zoo with the family.

    -Tits, ass, or Legs man?
    Booty booty booty rockin ass tho

    -Boxers, briefs or Commando?
    As Tom Petty would say " And I'm freeeeee freee balllin"

    -Would you rather go to a job interview with all the hair removed from your head and face or go dressed like a transvestite?
    I always thought that I would have been a sexy ass bitch.......

    -What is one secret you have never told?
    ......... When I was a lil shit azz juvenile delinquent like 15 me and a few buddies robbed a house for a substantial amount of money. Statue of limitations don't fail me now. I do not condone any of this by any means.

    -CAG CheechDogg asks "If you were leader of CAG, what would you change and why?"
    I'd add some awards that were solely based on your forum activity. Doing so would increase activity I believe. Also add a rainbow to the website cause there so pretty and everyone loves a rainbow!

    -Anything else you’d like to tell us, especially after all you just shared?
    CAG for life... Hope to game with as many of you as I possibly can in the near future!!!!!

    Alright, well I would like to thank AJ for his time today, in sitting down with us. I would also like to thank the readers of this article and thank CAG as a whole. You all are an awesome group, and I never fail to have a great time with you. Thank you all. As I said before, I hope everyone has a great Independence Day, be safe most importantly. Have a great time, and I will see you all back here next week for another article of the Interrogation Room. Thanks again!

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
    Experience: 10,769,871
    Next Level: 11,777,899

  2. The Following 7 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to MERZiN8 For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (July 1st, 2014),BlameItOnGod13 (July 1st, 2014),CAG CheechDogg (July 3rd, 2014),CAG JB (July 1st, 2014),NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014),PATRON (July 4th, 2014),Sgt Bear (July 1st, 2014)

  3. #2
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    Mexican cartel leader el patron lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  4. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 1st, 2014),NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014)

  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johnbai84 View Post
    Mexican cartel leader el patron lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Ya he " makes kids cry " ...

    CAG Dogg Level: 54 [?]
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  6. The Following 3 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BIG COUNTRY For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 1st, 2014),CAG JB (July 1st, 2014),NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014)

  7. #4
    BlameItOnGod13's Avatar
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    erhmuhgawd this

    -If you were a game developer, tell us about the new game you are developing.
    William Poole was only 6 when his parents were murdered and raped by Gypsy Outlaws in his small Amish community. Now Poole is older and a trained, lethal bounty hunter and ready for revenge follow Poole as he tries to catch his parents killers and well as side missions as catching notoriously convicts who have jumped bail such as The Kid, Killer Sam

    especially this

    and the Mexican cartel leader El Patron

    so amazing. i don't actually laugh out loud often when i read stuff on here, maybe giggle or chuckle, but i laughed heartily at that paragraph amongst other answers.

    best one yet.

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  8. The Following 4 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to BlameItOnGod13 For This Fucking Post:

    BIG COUNTRY (July 1st, 2014),CAG Archangel (July 3rd, 2014),CAG JB (July 1st, 2014),NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014)

  9. #5
    CAG Stud
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    Had me ballin also lol

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    CAG JB

    CAG Dogg Level: 60 [?]
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  10. The Following 2 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG JB For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (July 1st, 2014),NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014)

  11. #6
    xPARCHx's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    Lmao William Poole the bounty hunter seems kinda legit and scary though

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
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  12. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to xPARCHx For This Fucking Post:

    NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014)

  13. #7
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    You mention Killa Sam and not ME ! grrrr lol j/k I didn't realize we have 2 Sam's in CAG ...

    CAG Dogg Level: 58 [?]
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  14. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to Randuken For This Fucking Post:

    NuT jOb (July 1st, 2014)

  15. #8
    NuT jOb's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I knew someone would like this.....

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
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  16. #9
    NuT jOb's Avatar
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    I was a Bitch and got Banned

    I'd also like to thank all the little people who helped make it possible. ...

    CAG Dogg Level: 50 [?]
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  17. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to NuT jOb For This Fucking Post:

    CAG CheechDogg (July 3rd, 2014)

  18. #10
    PestiferousJoe's Avatar
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    Alpha Company Commander

    Another great read. Hey NuT jOb I didn't realize we lived so close to each other...I wonder if that's a good thing.

    Sent from my Stonehaven using Tapatalk

    CAG Dogg Level: 47 [?]
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  19. The Following User Says Fucking Hell Yeah ! to PestiferousJoe For This Fucking Post:

    NuT jOb (July 2nd, 2014)

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