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Thread: Attention Whiskey Company

Discuss the Battlefield 4 Regiment of CAG's Battlefield Brigade here

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  1. #1
    CAG Archangel's Avatar
    Rep Points: 202743
    Rep Power: 2964
    This member is currently
    Local Date
    February 12th, 2025
    Local Time
    09:44 AM
    South Coast, England
    XBOX One Division Member

    Attention Whiskey Company

    Okay Whiskey, I wish to raise a couple of things with you and have them addressed.

    It has been noted that not all CAG members are running with the CAG clan tag in game. It is now even easier to add the clan tag with the app...go to settings and 'Set Tag', done.

    I want members to confirm that they have added their clan tags to their battlefield profile. It is important that while you fight under the CAG show this. It shows loyalty and commitment.'s kick ass when we have a stream of CAG topping the leader boards! Those that have been noted to not be wearing CAG badges and even different clan tags will be communicated to and asked to clarify.

    The new recruit welcome message and reply is to be worked on and have this included.

    We have a steady stream of recruits for Whiskey and I would like newer members to step up and help out any new recruits. Understand the Code of Conduct and share this with them. Help them with their clan tags...ensuring new recruits have 'CAGr' and fully understand the marksman process. Help them post correctly. Although examples are provided...not all seem to understand.

    I'm not as active as I was but before my priorities changed, I and others, johnbai, CAG Sgt Bear, CAG RzaRay, Mr Fund3m3ntals, to name a few, took pride in getting on with our recruits and walking them through as best we could. Helping out in game, on the forums and communicating outside of the game to answer questions and make recruits feel at ease.

    I want this to continue via our newer members and for new recruits to experience what we did when we all first joined. Experience the awesome community and take advantage of the wealth of knowledge and importantly the fun that is available. Repay the favour as it were.

    Our officers are doing what they can on the admin side, which is a task in itself...the least the rest of Whiskey can do is work with our recruits and retain good people.

    What I don't want is for people to make it through their marksman and probation and then simply disappear. This is unacceptable. Being CAG means participation in all respects, not just earning the right to wear the tag.

    Basically Whiskey, let's pull our socks up and get our shit together. Tighten up the ranks and take pride in the CAG banner. We all want to have fun and be part of the CAG family. Let's keep Whiskey the best battlefield unit there is and look out for the soldier next to you.

    Archangel out.

    CAG Dogg Level: 52 [?]
    Experience: 14,457,921
    Next Level: 16,259,327

  2. The Following 11 Users Said Fucking Hell Yeah ! to CAG Archangel For This Fucking Post:

    BlameItOnGod13 (June 29th, 2014),BLKHawkIrish86 (June 29th, 2014),CAG JB (June 29th, 2014),Kujeaux (June 29th, 2014),MERZiN8 (June 29th, 2014),Mr_Fud3m3ntals (August 16th, 2014),Nesty (June 29th, 2014),NuT jOb (June 29th, 2014),pisspawz (June 29th, 2014),RzaRay (June 29th, 2014),Sgt Bear (June 29th, 2014)

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