Evening fellow CAGateers lol
This post is about to go deep real deep and honestly sometimes I feel as if theirs one group one family that can hear me out, it would be CAG.
I have to ask you a Question ? How far are you willing to forgive a person ?
I'm not a perfectionist I've made my mistakes here in CAG, real life etc. But what I'm trying to get at is that few years ago. A buddy of mine and me were hanging out with a good friend ours (female). Everything was fine until I caught feelings for that female, turns out she didn't see the same light which is fine(this of course after a months of knowing the girl). But the problem is that she went around you know, doing this doing that with the guys. That particular summer I speak of was 2010, I got carried away did some stupid idiotic moronic things that at times I regret. I know those things aren't as deep as some of you guys but you know (Smoked pot). I got let go of my job because I was careless of it. Turns out we still hung out with this chic. Word got around that she was you know sleeping around, one night out of the random joking around I called out a prostitute on the street and she got offended. Next thing I know this girl is telling me that if I say another word She would deck me in the face.
I told her if your not a smut or whatnot what does it pertain to you? I also told her that if she laid a finger on me that it would be the last time I would let her in life specially after the summer we had. I haven't seen or talked to this chic because I frankly felt she disrespected me in my car when I had nothing to do with what she did with those guys. She never gave me an apology.
Long story short, my friend next weekend wants me to go to this 4th of July deal and she'll be there. I'm quite hesitant to go because I feel as if it'll be awkward despite what happened. My friend told me "forgive and forget".
I kinda went back and fourth on wether or not go. It's gonna be akward I can't just picture myself allowing this person to gain my trust once again after she literally was seconds away from punching me. I've been the type to man up for my own mistakes publicly. I know some people say that God forgave us in the cross or what not.
One other thing is that my parents have taught me is to respect others as if their respecting you.
But if your in my shoes what would you do ?....